Changing Diapers

Updated on April 17, 2010
V.S. asks from College Station, TX
10 answers

I am in need of some input here... my son has been using Pampers Swaddlers prior to this new Dry Max kind they have put out. I have yet to purchase the new Dry Max due to the negative feedback that fellow moms have letf on about how they leak and are not as soft as the original. Can anyone else give me some feedback on those diapers? Also has anyone used the Pampers Organic Cotton diapers? My son has very sensetive skin and so I do not really want to change diapers but am at a fork in the road!

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answers from College Station on

My personal experience (my kids have not been in diapers for 3 years) is that pampers are some of the best for sensitive skin. You do want to look for a brand that has as few additives as possible.

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answers from El Paso on

I LOVE my Huggies Pure and Natural. They are very soft and absorbant. They seem to be very sensitive to the skin.



answers from Chicago on

I have been using the Dry Max crusiers for a week or so now and do not ahve an issue with it, though I know that different babies have different reactions and wetness so not all dia[ers work for everyone. Pampers did have a sample offer so you could try contacting them or go to to see if the sample is still available. They sent me an email to sign up for a sample and I got 3 diapers. And the sample was softer on the outside than what I bought at the store but no other difference I could see.



answers from Austin on

both of my daughters have extremely sensitive eczema prone skin. if i used swaddlers on either of them they would have yeast diaper infections almost all the time. i switched to the pampers baby dry. (they only place they sell big boxes are babies r us and they are no where near as soft as swaddlers. however, they are SO MUCH more absorbent than the swaddlers. they truly absorb the moisture and keep it away from their skin. when you change the diaper their skin doesn't feel wet like it does with swaddlers. as soon as i switched both girls over the diaper rashes are almost non existent. also, the pedi nurses recommend using plain tap water to rinse with when changing diapers instead of wipes you buy at the store.

also, i did try the swaddlers with the dry max and didn't see any difference. i honestly would say try the baby dry. i think you will be happy.



answers from Indianapolis on

May I suggest contacting Pampers directly to see if they have samples available? Worth a try at least before you spend the money on something you may or may not like to use.

We loved Swaddlers and Baby Dry, but I hated cruisers. We've been more loyal to Huggies over the years because they fit our kids better, but I know other Moms who would argue the opposite.

I'd take some of the comments on their site with a grain of salt. It's their opinion based upon what they were expecting and how their child did. Your children may do completely differently and have a great experience.

I know P&G (the manufacturer of Pampers) has been putting a lot of coupons out lately as well. It may even be worth a call to the pediatrician's office to see if they receive samples you might be able to try before purchasing.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I have my daughter in the pampers sensitive size 3 and they seem to be ok but still not as good as they were before this drymax thing. I will be buying huggies little movers for my oldest and probably the huggies pure and natural for my little girl cause of her sensitive skin.



answers from Houston on

I currently have a package of both the Dry Max and the Cruisers. I have been conducting my own experiments and I have concluded that the Dry Max leaks and the Cruisers don't. Now this isn't a blanket conclusion, just with my child. I have always been a Huggies mom until recently. Pampers Cruisers just seemed to work better for our daughter this time around. If the Cruisers start to leak, I will switch back to Huggies. Have you tried Seventh Generation chlorine free diapers? They are supposed to be good for sensitive skin.


answers from San Antonio on

I emailed pampers because my samples of DryMax I got in the mail were very soft and very absorbent. The ones I bought at the store were very dissappointing. I have now switched to Luvs (which strangely enough are cheaper without a coupon, also made by Proctor & Gamble like Pampers are). My son does/did not have sensitive skin, so I'm sorry I don't have advice in that regard.

After contacting Pampers, here was their reply (this will explain that the old purple Cruisers are the same diapers as the new White/Turquoise Dry Max ones. The new 'technology' that they put into which diapers:
" I’m sorry about your recent experience with Pampers diapers. Please be assured I’m sharing your comments about leakage with the rest of our team.

We’ve moved to a new technology called Dry Max. Pampers with Dry Max is our first high performance diaper and the biggest innovation for Pampers in the last 25 years. Pampers invented the Dry Max technology and applied it to the current Cruisers and Swaddlers core. By doing so we were able to remove the paper pulp from the core of the diaper making Cruisers 20% thinner without sacrificing any performance.

We understand whenever we change a product it’s an adjustment for consumers and I want to assure you the diapers aren’t less absorbent than the previous version. In fact, the absorbent core takes away urine and traps it inside to make it our driest diaper ever. We improved the absorbent gelling material (AGM) in the new absorbent core so it locks wetness in faster than before. AGM is a super absorber that’s been used in diapers for more than 20 years. It has the ability to absorb huge amounts of liquid, and in doing so, it transforms from its natural state of a granular material to a gel-like substance.

Again, we’re sorry about your experience and hope with regular use you’ll come to love the new features of Cruisers. Please know the majority of the people at Pampers are parents, and making a comfortable and dry diaper is most important to us - for your children and our own. "

OH and I'm on all he time. Here's what I copied/pasted from their website. Click on the link (i hope it works) for a free sample from Sam's Club. Of course, you probably don't want size 3, 4 or 5.
Sam's Club members get a free sample of Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max in their choice of size 3, 4 or 5. Click on the "Get a Sample, Try it early!" large blue box at the bottom right. You do need to be a Sam's Club member to get this sample.



answers from Detroit on

We have always used Pampers after my son (now 18 months) got a rash from Huggies. We use Pampers Baby Dry and to be honest havent noticed to much of a difference. He doesnt wet through them. At night we use Pampers Overnights in one size larger because he was wetting through. But have had no issues with them now or before. Good luck! Give them a try you may not even notice the difference.



answers from New York on

We just bought the new dry max diapers and they seem fine. My daughter is 8 months old. I haven't seen any leakage...although they are definitely a little harder than the old cruisers. We haven't tried the cotton organic diapers. Maybe you should buy both to try (alternate between the two)...just a small pack each to start?!? The organic would be much more expensive, right?

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