Can't Seem to Get Rid of Illness

Updated on April 29, 2009
S.S. asks from Blue Lake, CA
18 answers

HELP...My daughter and I have been sick for the past 3 months( on & off) everytime we turn around we have strep. Mine has been "good old fashioned strep throat" but my poor little girl has had it manifest in her stomach, her sinuses, weird places I never knew you could get it. The medication they have her on now is just reeking havoc on her little body. Needless to say our immune systems are shot. Any hints about how to boost them back up, I'm especially concerned about hers. Thanks

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answers from Salinas on

Hi S.,
Everyone seems to have a lot of good ideas about how you might try to build up the immune system. I don't really have any advice about that other than lots of soap and water and good hand washing. In order to stop the strep from being passed back and forth, everyone in the family should be tested at the same time. Someone might be a strep carrier that doesn't get the illness. Also, have the family dog screened if you have one...they can be carriers as well. Best of luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi S., check out, great product for the whole family it will keep everyone healthy.



answers from Sacramento on

S., I hope you found something that helped you, but if you still need help, and if you are not afraid of sale pitch, lets talk. I've been helped and our speccial needs son avoid surgeries, pump,injections, I cannot be silent about our results.



answers from San Francisco on

Seems like everyone responding in here has some kind of nostrum or "supplement" that they want you to try, some product with "a plethora of benefits," as it were. Some are probably a lot more expensive than others, and some may be just downright dangerous. In any event, there's always someone selling snake oil, and there always will be, as long as people are willing to buy it.

What does your pediatrician say? If the medication is not working properly, you need to call the doctor and demand that he/she find some other solution to the problem. I never cease to be amazed at people who go to doctors whose advice and treatment they don't trust, and then go running to some "alternative" source of medical advice. Does your pediatrician think her immune system is shot? Because if that is the case, I don't know why your daughter is not hospitalized. Or is the "immune system is shot" just some fashionable "alternative" diagnosis?



answers from San Francisco on

Powdered probiotics to bring back the good bacteria after all the antibiotics for both of you is what I would do. I have found acupuncture to be very helpful to bring me back to good health immune-wise and maybe acupressure for your little one. To be sure, massage (you can do yourself) would be great for your little one.
I am wondering how this is happening and how to prevent it... I would research it myself. I remember when I was a teen, I had strep repeatedly and finally the Dr. stopped giving me antibiotics. It cleared up on its own and I have not had it since. In fact, neither of my kids have ever had it either, hmmm... Last time my daughter and I had a throat infection we both did acupuncture and herbs and it cleared up in a week without antibiotics. I sometimes wonder about the necessity and effectiveness of antibiotics nowadays.



answers from San Francisco on

My son has a weak immune system and we have tried accupressure but very good results. I don't know which city you live in but you should look up NAET and accupressure specialist. it might be food toxicity or allergies that are weakening your immune system. hope that helps



answers from Sacramento on

Hi, I would recommend you bee products for boosting your immune system: raw honey(NOT the one that regular stores sell, that has been heated and with no minerals/vitamins), propolis, pollen, bee bread, royal jelly, etc. This is, of course, if you don't have any allergic reactions on bee products. I think you can find them in your local health food store. Consistency is the key factor with them, they do exactly what you need: help your body fight all kinds of viruses by strengthening your immune system and as far as I know they don't have any side effects :). I also drink a lot of Echinacea tea when I catch the virus as it helps the immune system as well.
Hopefully this will help.



answers from San Francisco on

My doc didn't tell us the first or the second time with strep it was the third and last time in two months. Change your tooth brushes. I changed them half way through the meds and then again at the end. Good luck



answers from San Francisco on

Dear S.,

Have you ever heard of Mona.vie? It's an all-natural, concentrated energy and immune-system booster with acai and other powerful fruit juices. My friend is an independent distributor. Call Stephanie Thylin at ###-###-####, or email her at

Hope you both feel better !!




answers from San Francisco on

Have you heard of Monavie? I would be really surprised if it did not help. It is an amazing juice with a plethora of benefits. Although I can sign you up to get it, I am not an active distributor - in other words I want you to know I am simply writing to inform you incase you would like to try it and don't know where to get it - it is not a big deal to me to sign you up for it - I just know how much it has helped my family and thought I would share since you asked. My son's (4yrs.) asthma is all but gone since he has been drinking just 2 oz. daily. No more catching every pre-school bug either.
Write back if you are interested in trying Monavie, I can have it shipped to your door - if you have a friend selling it, or have heard of it already, TRY IT, you will be glad you did. May seem pricy at first but it lasts a long time as a little goes a long way.
Good-luck :)
T. ~



answers from Sacramento on

My son just got over strep b. He broke out in a rash, swollen red throat, temp etc. Everyday I sterilized everything in hot soapy water, washed bedding every morning, did not share utensils, hugs and kisses etc. Once you are on medication for 24 hours it is not supposed to be contagious. They are able to go back to school etc. So it sounds like you guys are passing it along during the incubation. Make sure you do not share anything and you are washing all the toys bedding etc. Are you on medication at the same time? I would also talk to the dr about this. Passing on and off. There has be be strep bacteria laying around for you to get it and also it is a respitory illness to someone may not be washing their hands. Take hand santizier with you eveywhere.



answers from San Francisco on

I don't know if this is your problem, but if you notice, there has been a lot of aerial spraying of some sort going on. That could be causing your symptoms. As for what to do about boosting the immune system, one thing is by taking probiotics after taking antibiotics. (like in yogurt) except take it in capsule form from the natural grocery store. You can give it to your child by breaking the capsule open and mixing it into applesauce and they'll be none the wiser. Best to you!



answers from Sacramento on

Hi S.,

My family has been taking Juice Plus for almost 6 years now and we have never been so healthy. It is 17 different fruits and veggies, minus the salt, sugar and water. It comes in a gummie, capsule or chewable. It has 13 published, peer reviewed studies. Go to and check out the video right on the front page. It will explain what JP+ is and how it helps our immune systems.
Good luck to you and your daughter.




answers from Sacramento on

I have an old fashion remedy which is Cod Liver Oil a table spoon a day will help rebuild your immune systems. You the mother can drink lemons, limes and heberal tea (hot) everyday this really works. This is how I rebuildt my immune system after a very bad infestion due to surgery I had.



answers from Sacramento on

Hi S.,

I have been taking an awesome line of nutritional products for 10 years that can help you and your daughter to get well and stay well. It is a full line of products and Genesis is one that you owe to yourself to give serious consideration to. You can call me to talk about it or go to Local Business Reviews to get my website address. Look up Victorious Living with Symmetry Direct.

Victorious Living to you and yours,
D. Hendon



answers from San Francisco on

Guess what also helps? Good ole fashioned Orange Juice. My friend swears by it and when I give my child a 1/2 glass each and every morning before he goes to school I have noticed that he does not get sick as often and if he does the duration is much shorter. Also, Costco has these Gummy Vitamins, your kids will love them and they should take one every day! One last thing is washing hands all of the time. Especially after they have blown their nose a lot etc.
Good luck!



answers from Sacramento on

Both my 10year old and 7year old have had extreme trouble with strep. They ended up having there tonsils out. But for what you can do around the house my doctor told me that it can live in the grout in the bathroon and kitchen if you have tile and in any little crack or crevice you can see so I bleached everywhere! Plus like one other comment says to change tooth brushes. I would wash the dishes in the dishwasher twice, washing bedding, bought new pillows thinking it could be in bed pillows, and washing hands alot. Well I hope some of these tips help and I hope you guys feel better.



answers from Sacramento on

Raw milk would do wonders for the both of you. Our family drinks Organic Pastures. Also, a high vitamin cod liver oil with the natural vitamin A & D would also help you both. has good ones. My son is hardly ever sick and if he is it is short lived.

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