Photo by: NPA

Potty Training Phobia

by Kristi of "Mommy Crib Notes"
Photo by: NPA

Who’s afraid of the big bad potty, the big bad potty, the big bad potty or however that ditty goes? Me, that’s who. I’m staring down the long end of a potty-training bootcamp – planned for Labor Day weekend – and I’m shaking in my capris. I’ve set plenty of unfulfilled potty-training deadlines since my daughter was 18 months old. They came, they went, I wistfully waved them goodbye.

When I was pregnant with my second, my fantasy, I mean goal, was to get my toddler out of diapers before the end of my maternity leave. One potty-training book later, and a little pregnancy-induced sciatic pain coupled with hemorrhoids and I chucked that goal out the window. Then I decided to link a diaper D-day with a major milestone – my youngster’s birthday. My thinking went like this, “If I can knock one out of diapers, and both will be done with formula and bottles, life will get that much easier (not to mention the freed up cash flow).” My baby’s first birthday is next weekend. I don’t even have the cake ordered much less a diaper-free toddler.

This coming weekend is different though. There’s a feeling of finality about this deadline. Maybe it’s the pink training pants that have sat for weeks unopened in my laundry room. Perhaps it’s that my daughter has been going on her plastic potty at least once a day and I fear that not acting on her current eagerness will lead to fleeting interest and much mama drama down the road.

I’m certainly not looking forward to wiping pee-dribbled legs or cleaning up poop-filled panties. Being tethered to a toilet is not my idea of a fun holiday weekend. But, as a fan of self-help books, I’m trying to keep my mind’s eye focused on the positives and they are this:

  • I will rejoice in my daughter’s triumphant shouts of “I DID IT!”
  • Then, awash in M&M afterglow, my daughter will smile with contentment and I’ll feel a lion’s share of mommy pride all the way down to my toes.
  • And finally, we’ll declare her new panties the most beautiful things ever and banish diapers to sleep times.

So there, I’m really, really committed this time and you can hold me to it. Bring on the potty training tips, the stories, and commiserate girlfriend because this mama could use the lift!

Kristi is a crazed mom of two girls – a smarty pants toddler and a grinning baby – only 18 months apart. Crash-coursing it through motherhood, she shares her “cheat sheet” of helpful discoveries, and a few emotional exploits, with newbie moms on her blog Mommy Crib Notes.

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I appreciate your enthusiasm. As a former nanny, current preschool teacher and mother, I have one more resource for you: Google "Toilet Learning". The U of Michigan has information I would've given my left pinkie toe for years ago-- even if it meant my walking around in circles for years to come! This site will give you tips for assessment (is the child ready?), great practical advice on both handling accidents and encouraging your child to continue...

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We have a 4 year old son with autism and a 2 year old with ADHD. Both boys are not potty trained. They both have a tendency to disrobe and worse yet they play in their poop! We invented a sleeper that zips in the back and keeps them out of their diaper. Thanks a lot!

Thanks Hazel for the tip. I will go check out the U of Michigan info. By the way, I live in Michigan so if I tell my husband that the U of M said such and such, it's likely to get readily accepted.

Awesome and hilarious essay, Kristi. I too must admit that potty training is not on my list of top 10 faves. My second son, Diego, is already 3 and seems to have no intentions of potty training. EVER. Probably because I have no other babies, I am quite unmotivated to psychologically duke it out with him. Esp. since it seems to take the energy of a NASA shuttle launch to get to him even agree to wear clothes or brush his teeth...

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