Photo by: Justo's Photography

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?

Photo by: Justo's Photography

I was chatting with a friend on Facebook about Tiger Woods. That morning he had his first press conference responding to the news that he was having multiple affairs, and we had tuned in. I was only half-listening – I feel like that is between him, his wife, and God, but I know our society makes it everyone’s business. It did, however, get me to thinking about things.

My friend has had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of a wife who cheated repeatedly which resulted in their divorce. I cannot imagine. But I am surprised that almost everyone I know has had some experience with unfaithfulness. My friend actually cheated on a girlfriend once when he was young. Having a small bit of experience with it, I do see how a crazy drunken fling can happen, or someone can be in a relationship and discover that their true love is another. Especially before marriage. While I don’t condone those actions, I can understand them.

But after marriage? I believe, once you make those vows, they are forever. For better or for worse, for drunk times and for sober, for meeting new people and the grass being greener on the other side. Regardless of what comes into your life, you chose that person and they chose you, and you can’t just change your mind because circumstances change. Disloyalty while single is decidedly sinful, but it becomes an even greater transgression after marriage.

Considering the number of friends I have who have cheated, been cheated on, or have been the third person, I have heard lots of possibilities for the one-time indiscretion. Usually, I could see how they could rationalize their choices. But what is the motivation behind a repeat offender? Are they bored? Does the fear of getting caught excite them? Is monogamy just not their thing? Are they searching for an outlet for fetishes they’re afraid to ask their partners about? Do they feel neglected by their mate? Is, as Tiger claims, sex addiction a real thing, or just a scapegoat for his wrongdoings? I knew a girl who had a long-distance relationship with a guy, and it was just easier to stay his girlfriend, than break up with him. And I think she thought once they were in the same town again, it wouldn’t be an issue, they would just be together. But I struggle with the concept of someone like Tiger and my friend’s wife – people who choose to get married, the ultimate symbol of fidelity – and then have affairs. If you know you aren’t the monogamous type, why put yourself (and your loved one) through that? Why not choose to stay single? Or at the very least, end things after the first transgression?

Another friend suggested that it’s because cheaters are selfish and don’t care about the other person’s feelings as much as they do about their own. To give them a little more credit, maybe they think if they’ve found the right person they can stay settled down. I guess it comes down to the age old question, once a cheater, always a cheater? What do you think?

Jennifer Barr is happily married and living in the ‘burbs with two daughters, 2 1/2 going on 13, and 3 months.

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I do not believe in the "once a cheater, always a cheater" thing. I personally know that this is not true since I did this myself. I've learned what damage infidelity can do and how much it hurts the ones you love. I know for a fact that I will never, ever stray again. I used to say that I would never cheat on anyone, but guess what I did. So don't judge people so easily, you never know, one day you may look in the mirror and discover that you've done something you said you would never do...

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I think that the repeat cheating is an inability to be truly intimate with somebody (not to be mistaken with just having sex). And that might be either a personality trait or due to an upbringing where intimacy was never modeled or other reasons. Being truly intimate is hard and finding the right person to be intimate with is probably equally hard. But it is possible...

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I don't think once a cheater always a cheater. There are various reasons people cheat so you really can't lable every cheater as having the same personality or moral character. Maybe the spouse has been a jerk, maybe they feel lonely, maybe they are selfish, maybe they aren't selfish enough - who knows? I do think monogomy isn't "natural" so it's going to take extra work for some people...

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Hello readers, there is many reason why people cheat,but the main reason i think is that once the magic you are living on before you married its gone you start seen all the wrongs,and and its all a matter of time before one or the other cheats, nobody knows exactly what happens in peoples hearts.

First, let me explain I don't care who Tiger Woods cheated with HE DIDN'T CHEAT WITH ME!! He has 3 people to answer to his wife, God and himself!! My theory has always been I don't care if you are gay, straight or indifferent; if you are not in my bed I am not going to waste time or energy with it!!! We put so much expectations on ATHLETES, CELEBRITIES etc...

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My father cheated on my mother and this is something I swore I'd NEVER do, but after 5 yrs of being VERY happily married my husbands past health problems came along (that he never saw fit to tell me he had) and destroyed our marriage. For the next 7 yrs I stood by him faithfully, supported him through numerous drs and counseling. He totally turned away from me. Shows no sign of affection to me, hasn't even tried to have any kind of relationship with me...

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Nobody's perfect, but we do make choices and we know the difference between right and wrong. I believe cheaters can learn from their mistakes, but some people only learn if there's a consequence. The guilt of knowing they've failed to live up to a commitment isn't enough. Plus they can fall back on the rationale many people use in our culture, that being drunk or having problems in a relationship make their cheating almost permissable...

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There is no reason a person HAS to cheat. Once you make those vows, you simply avoid any situation that could lead to something inappropriate. You simply don't spend time alone with someone of the opposite sex that isn't your spouse. You don't allow yourself to indulge in fantasies or feelings of attraction with other people. I believe that EVERYONE is vulnerable to the temptation to cheat - which is why you have to avoid it completely no matter who you are...

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Only you and your partner know what is best for your family. I do believe that if you cheat you are more likely to cheat again unless something drastic has changed in your life. I also do agree with another comment made, Selfish people cheat, they do not think of their mate or family, they do it because it makes them feel good, they don't think of how bad their mate or family will feel...

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As someone who has been on the receiving end of this, I can tell you that there are so many reasons different people cheat. In my situation, my husband and I had let cracks crumble the foundation of our marriage and he met someone, not with the intention to cheat, but she is a manipulator and was looking for a dad for her child and managed to pull him in. If you have seen the movie obsessed or fatal attraction, she is that kind of person...

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As in all things pertaining to humans, there are many reasons for infidelity. NOT excuses, but reasons. Sexual addiction is the worst, and the person truly needs help. But marriages sometimes breakdown and need retuning. Mine did during our 19th year. (Anyone heard of 20-yr ditch?) I believed in reconcilation and hung on until he realized it, too. Now after 46 yrs we are both very glad we stuck. The best was after that ordeal.

Maybe if you do it once, you can change your behavior and never do it again, if you really regret it and want to change. But if you've done it multiple times, well, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.

If you didn't want to stay true to the person you married, you shouldn't have married him/her. If things change and you don't want to stay true the him/her anymore, then have the decency to get a divorce and cut him/her lose before you start playing the field...

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I am divorced because my X husband cheated on me. His affair lasted several months - then he divorced me and married her - During the marriage I never looked at another man - the possibilty or even the idea of cheating never crossed my mind. Now that I am single - it seems I cheat on every guy I date...

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I dont agree with once a cheater always a cheater, it depends on the person, I do agree with Kim I too have been on both sides of this and it has taught me a lesson and still is one of my biggest struggles. The struggle is the guilt and mistrust. God is the only one who can judge so I leave it in his hands...

I don't believe in that. It's funny I just got home from a marriage conference, and was able to share my testimony about my husband's infidelity. I went through unfaithfulness from my husband for many years, I stood, and believe God for forgiveness, and restoration in my marriage, and I can happily say that those days are like they never happened....

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