A Broken Thinking Cap?
I think I may have broken my thinking cap. It’s my fault, really. I’ve been most careless with it. I always forget where I put it. Sometimes it’s missing days on end. I’ve let the kids tinker with it. The cats have gnawed on it. And, I’ve even left it out in the yard overnight. Darn sprinklers. Really, it’s been ages since it’s been polished… I just show her no appreciation.
Lord knows, thinking caps don’t grow on trees. There’s millions of folk going about their days who are clearly not in possession of one of these dandy gadgets. Sure, my thinking cap is peculiar looking. My particular model resembles an upturned silver colander adorned with bleeping lights and spinning buttons. Kinda makes for an interesting scene when I’m out mowing the lawn lost in thought. But, heck, I’m the only mom on the street who has this mode…or any model as a matter of fact. It’s high time I take better care of it. And, now, I’ve gone and broken it.
I’ve spent the better half of the morning changing batteries, pressing buttons and fiddling with wires. Still no luck. The use of Super Glue, scotch tape, and a bungee cord proved fruitless. I’ve dipped into the tool box. Searched through my sewing kit. Rummaged through the craft box. And, spelunked the depths of my purse. Still can’t find a tool that proves useful to my plight. Although, I did have high hopes for my purse sized nail file/bottle opener combo, but that’s another post.
In my desperation, I’ve researched it at the library. “Thinking who?” Googled it. “No results found.” Asked Gramps. “Eh?” Nary a word of advice about my dilemma. There are just no resources out there. No reference books or sites. Not even an old wives tale to consider. What to do? What to do? Hmmmm? Guess I’ve got to think on this for a spell… Anybody got a thinking cap to spare? Question of the year, isn’t it?
For years, Michelle peered over her teacher’s glasses at those Stay at Home Mommies and wondered about their elusive world. What do they do all day? Where do they go? Do they travel together in flocks? Well, she finally met the prince (at a slightly panicky 32) and turned in her chalkboard. Watch her as she infiltrates their ranks…