Life Lessons from My Two Year Old
My firecracker of a daughter, Annabella, aka ”Bella,” turned two on September 4th. I marvel at her energy, her zest, and her strong will. This phase of parenting is often referred to as the “terrible twos,” but this stage has been a profound teacher for me. I am learning so much about life by witnessing Bella in all her two year old glory. Here are some of my favorite lessons:
Celebrate EVERYTHING: This is one of my favorite things about being Annabella’s mom. She celebrates e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, no matter how small or large. Drinking a smoothie? Clap your hands with glee. Made it up the stairs all by yourself? Shout with joy, “I did it!” Have a friend coming over to play? Run around and do the happy dance! Couldn’t we all celebrate more? Isn’t it wonderful when we acknowledge our wins? Let’s take this tip from Annabella and start noticing and focusing on our wins, accomplishments, and when we feel GOOD. Relish your joy!
Persistence Is Key: Watching Annabella learn to walk and talk is fascinating. She has an amazing relationship with failure and persistence. Can you imagine if we approached new things with the persistence and enthusiasm of a two year old? Fall down? No big deal! Fumble that word? Try again. And again. Oh, and be gentle with yourself in the process. Failure is no big deal. Wow!
Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach, is on a mission to wake you up to the truth about how fabulous you are. Amy is currently completing her first book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves (and Believe!) She is also happily married to her talented husband, Rob, and the proud mom of her 2-year old firecracker of a daughter, Annabella.