Cheerleading Camp gift Idea

Water jugs can be purchased from Dollar General store. Take a paint pen and write the girls' names on them. This way they can use them at games.

Some ideas for gifts that i remember getting when i was a cheerleader. Small plastic megaphones with my name on it. We also painted and decorated cow bells and used them at football games for noise makers. Also bows for the hair or matching socks. I also remember receiving a bag (one of those canvas ones you can buy at hobby lobby or some place like that) that had my name on it in the school colors.

Hi Brenda, I don't have anything specific for a gift, but I am curious about cheerleading for my 4.5 year-old daughter in the Flower Mound/Lewisvile area. What organization are you a part of?

Now that I think about it, a gift idea for the girls could be a SPIRIT STICK. That's something that teams earn at NCA cheerleading camps. I used to do all the media, production, communication for NCA (National Cheerleaders Association) and NDA (National Dance Alliance.) You could copy theirs (Red, White and Blue round stick about 1" diameter and maybe 1 foot long. Colors are painted equally from one end to the other.) PRobably best to look it up online if you're interested as I'm not doing a very good job of describing it!)

Thank you! Susan

I would look at a site like You can make photoalbum flipbooks pretty cheap. You can take picture of them at cheerleading camp and easily fill a book. I think there is a discount when you purchase multiples of the same book. It will be a great way for them to remember their time together. You could then make another one at the end of the year to reflect upon how much they've grown together.

i made hair ribbons for the girls on my daughter's soccer team with their team name on one side and their name on the other - it was pretty cheap and easy

Depending on your craftiness skills (mine are limited!) you can do a variety of fun gifts. I've painted lightswitch plates with the team colors and personalized with the girls names, add some glitter and they are a big hit. Cute picture frames are easy to do with all of the foam stickers that are available at craft stores. I've also done the flipflops with team colored strips of fabric, just hit the discount bin for plain flipflops and every fabric store has a sample bin of different fabrics you can select from. Easy Peasy! My youngest dgtr received a pair of sofies that her cheer big sis painted her name on the back with fabric cute! The paint sticks together when I wash them, but otherwise they are really cute! Something cute for the whole team could be matching hair bows or ribbons. Whatever you do will be appreciated, you're working with a really sweet age group!

My neighbor has a business, she monograms virtually anything. I was over there getting teacher's gifts, and saw darling water bottle koozies monogrammed with their initial and a bow. Adorable and $6 each. She can get them to you within a few hours if necessary! I can't recommend her work enough. I use her for every gift I need!
Contact: Sherry at [email protected], 214-618-4768.
Good luck! Juli

How about the rag-tied flip-flops. You cut fabric into 6 in. X 1/2 in. strips and tie them onto the flip-flops across the toes. Wal-Mart has flip-flops and I think they are about $2/pair. Their fabric solids is usually under $2/yd. and it takes less than 1/3 a yard per pair. You can use the team's colors.

Since they are small kids with small shoe sizes, they won't take too long. (I made 24 pairs for a cheer camp one year, but they were older with bigger sizes.) If you cut a bunch of strips and then put on a movie while you work, it doesn't seem to take too long.

Good luck! :o)

Pamela <><

Blessings brenda,

First let me introduce myself. My name is Gwen i have 6 children and im in the mesquite area too. I went to walmart and i got almost every color hair ribbon there was for under $5 for my 15 year old. In the sewing dept. a half ft for her different pony tails and outfits a gift bag with all those ribbons and a handmade congratulations card with hershey kisses(the pink wrapper ones of course(smile) they would love they even got the sports ribbons they would love that and if you need help putting it together i would be very glad to offer my assistance in any way just let me know I am a christian mother we attend Pathway of Life church on military . Even if i could donate $50 to the cause im proud of the girls too for accomplishing a positive thing God bless

Purchase some fabric in team colors from local Wal-Mart or fabric store and some plain white fabric, equal amounts of each. Sew (or have pillows sewn, small or large depending on budget) sew an elastic strap at the top to hold a fabris marker for the girls to autograph each other's pillows after camp. You'll also need to purchase stuffing. This will calculate to about 6 dollars per cheerleader including the sharpie-type pens if you buy in bulk.