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Results 81-90 from 413 articles

pheochromocytoma...ever Heard of It?

S.G. asks from Norfolk

Do any of you moms or dads have any experience with this condition? A couple years ago I started worrying about my husband and some curious symptoms he was having (p...


My Friend's Grandson Is in the Children's Hospital... Doctors Are Dumbfounded.

S.R. asks from Appleton

I hope that someone can figure this one out... My friend's grandson is in the hospital (Milwaukee, WI). The Drs can't figure things out. He seems happy/alert and e...


I'm Feeling Very Stupid

S.M. asks from Youngstown

I was hoping the title would prompt people to read and give me some advice because like the subject says..I feel very stupid right now. I'm taking a psychology class...


Metacarpus Hurt?

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Is it normal for your metacarpus to hurt while pregnant?


Wondering If Son Is Allergic to Something...

A.C. asks from Columbus

My son will be 2 years old at the beginning of August. I've noticed for a while now that his cheeks are covered in little bumps, some of which look like little white...


Is there a link between zodiac sign and character

M.Z. asks from Austin

does anyone else have a sagittarius daughter. mine is 4 and driving me crazy. need some advice unique to her character. M.


Arabic Male Names

E.T. asks from Washington DC

Hi. My husband is Palestinian American. We are looking for Arabic names for boys/men. We are open to secular and muslim names, but he/we are christian, so it would...


More on the Sick Baby...and Is She Sleeping Too Much?

L.L. asks from Rochester

I won't rewrite all of sweet sick baby's symptoms, but just add the new info. After seeing her ped yesterday, she decided it could possibly be something called int...


Fire Ants in House!!

T.S. asks from Houston

The last week, my house has been invaded by fire ants. They are getting into everything, what can I do to get rid of them? Thanks ladies!


Thinking About Mirena (Birth Control)

N.T. asks from Washington DC

Hey ladies, I was thinking about having the Mirena done. However I've heard two stories (1) my best friend boss has it and had nothing but problems. I mean she sai...

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Answer Highlights

  • carpal tunnel syndrome while in 2 answers "It isn't unusual for women to develop carpal tunnel syndrome while they are pregnant."
  • cystic fibrosis in 3 answers "I was wondering if the child has ever been tested for Cystic Fibrosis."
  • hormone relaxin in 2 answers "It is more than likely related to the excess of the hormone relaxin that it is being ..."
  • celiac disease in 5 answers "Have they ruled out celiac disease?"
  • absorb the nutrients in 2 answers "... Basically it means that your child is unable to absorb the nutrients ..."