whole blood

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I'm Stumped

E.M. asks from Texarkana

OK Here is my problem. I am 2 mth. late and every test I have taken has shown negative. I am also experiecening soreness of the breasts and I am getting very sick to ...


Plz Somebody Answer Me.

M.N. asks from Las Vegas

.For last 6 months, i am having regular periods.my menstrual cycle is between 28 and 31 days.My last period was june 10th.I tested positive with the home pregnancy te...


To Young for All This!!!

K.J. asks from New Orleans

Ok. I went to my dr. app. wednesday,they did the whole check-up thing. Blood pressure,weight,and so on. He was going over my lab work and left me on my same dose of t...


Looking for Family Practitioner for My Mother

N.U. asks from Phoenix

Hi guys, my mom is in need of a new doctor. I love mine but she is not taking any new patients. Preferably someone in or near north Scottsdale. She is 66 and wants so...


Any Babies with Milk Protein Allergies?

M.O. asks from Pittsburgh

My four-month-old was diagnosed with a milk protein intolerance when she was a week old. I was talking with a friend today who's son has a milk protein allergy and sh...


Koombs + and Jaundice

N.W. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 10 day old baby girl that is jaundice and koombs positive. She has been under phototherapy for 2 days and her billirubin results dropped. Her billirubin wa...


Daughter Scared for Her Dad

L.G. asks from Fresno

My dad has diabetes. I dont know anything about it really, all i know is he said his blood sugar is over 700. i am sure that is bad, but i dont know how bad. Although...


Possible Miscarriage

W.H. asks from Dallas

I need some help. I took a pregnancy test yesterday because I was late and it showed I was pregnant. I was cramping like I was going to start but never started I did ...


Constant Dizziness

P.H. asks from Jacksonville

I have had constant dizziness and light headedness since Saturday. It was realy bad Saturday and then got somewhat better Sunday and Monday. My doctor didn't act conc...


Looking for OB for Fertility Issues

L.R. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for an OB doctor who is open to fertility treatments other than the usual hormones and sonograms. I've been trying to conceive since September and have d...

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Answer Highlights

  • wait for the blood test results in 2 answers "I would wait for the blood test results as that is supposed to be more accurate than ..."
  • diabetic coma range in 2 answers "Dear L., A blood sugar count of 700 is diabetic coma range."
  • taking charge of your fertility in 2 answers "... you are trying to conceive i recommend reading "Taking Charge of your Fertility""
  • blood test will tell in 3 answers "urine tests are pretty accurate, but the blood test will tell you for sure."
  • blood sugar reading in 4 answers "I will tell you that 700 is a bit high for a blood sugar reading, but it can be taken ..."