whole blood

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Sick Baby! High Fever Help!

D.B. asks from Bakersfield

Hi! My 8 month old has had a fever for 4 days. It ranged from 101-104.5 The only thing that breaks it is tylenol or motrin but I don't want to keep drugging him up. I...


Growth Hormones for Child

E.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, I took my 9 year old to the dentist and the x ray showed he had no permanent teeth beneath some of his baby teeth. He has not lost any baby teeth yet. Our pediatr...


Can a Doctor Accidentally Strip Your Membranes?

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

I am almost 32 weeks pregnant and I went to the hospital because I have been having contractions the last 3 days and I was 50% effaced. The nurse did a pelvic exam an...


Prenatal Glucose Testing

J.G. asks from Dallas

I just took the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. My appt was around 2pm, and I wasn't told that I needed to do any fasting, only that I couldn't eat o...


Low Sodium Diet Ideas

M.B. asks from Springfield

So my husband needs to lower his blood-pressure and loose 30 pounds. The doctor has given him a month on the blood-pressure or he will start daily medicine. We both...


Bleeding Post C-section

C.T. asks from Little Rock

I had my baby 11 Sep via c-section and I am still bleeding. I go from bright red blood for a few days similar flow to menstrual cycle then a few days of dark brownish...


So Tired

E.M. asks from Louisville

I know i have posted something similar to this before however i have new information brought to me and i was wondering if anyone else had heard about this. recently m...


First Prenatal Doctors, Didnt Go Well, HELP?

J.L. asks from San Diego

HI, I just found out I am pregnant last Saturday. I went to my OBGYN and she said accourding to my last period I should be about 5 weeks preggo. She did an internal a...


Is It Safe to Take a Sleeping Aid While on a 12 Hour Flight?

M.D. asks from Las Vegas

I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first child, and am planning to take a trip overseas. I will be on a plane for nearly 12 hours and was wondering if it was safe to tak...


Mastitis and Milk Supply

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

i am (still) nursing my 11 month old, & I pump at work. I was diagnosed with mastitis (over the phone) and started antibiotics last night. this morning when i pumped ...

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