when should i start potty training my child

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Potty Training

T.D. asks from New York

My son is 3 and has no intrest in going on the potty. If I leave him with out a diaper he throws a tantrum until I put a diaper on him. I have tried the training pant...


Potty Training

A.M. asks from Peoria

I am trying to potty train my daughter (24mo) I am open to any suggestions. My daughter ocassionally tells me she has to go popo but usaully she pees and poops in he...


Potty Training

M.N. asks from Dallas

My daughter turned 3 in May so she is 3 years and 5 months old. She has no interest in potty training. She does not care about a dirty pull up or diaper. She fusses w...


Potty Training

A.P. asks from St. Louis

Looking for any advice for my son who will be 3 next month and has no interest in potty training. We went thru a stage a couple of months ago where he was intereste...


Potty Training

M.H. asks from Washington DC

My son will be 3 in September and I feel he's ready to start potty training, yet I have no idea how to do it. So far, he's just been letting us know when he has to g...


Potty Training

M.S. asks from Washington DC

Hi moms! I would like to get started on toilet training our 14.5 month old baby boy. Is it too early? How do I begin? We are starting from absolute scratch. We bou...


Potty Training

R.M. asks from San Antonio

My daughter is two and half. We have been potty training for about 3-4 months now. She is really good at telling us when she has to go potty (poop) but the other n...


Potty Training

Y.O. asks from Washington DC

My son is 21 months old and i think that he may be ready to be potty trained. He tell me that he has to poop but he does so after he has done it. Every now and then...


Potty Training

A.C. asks from Kansas City

I've got a daughter who will be two years old in almost a month, and I'm due with her brother or sister on New Years Day. I wasn't planning on potty training her unt...


Potty Training

S.C. asks from Brownsville

Hello Moms, i need some advice or information on how to get my baby to want to take this step,he's now 3yrs old, I have 2 other children who mastered this on there ow...

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Answer Highlights

  • strong willed nature in 2 answers "I totally agree with Kara, especially about the strong willed nature of a 2 year old."
  • big girl panties in 3 answers "I did take away certain privlidges for not wearing big girl panties."
  • had one or two accidents in 2 answers "... early in the day and then he would be dry at night. He had one or two accidents ..."
  • ready to potty train in 3 answers "I have heard that children aren't physically ready to potty train until between 2."
  • chose to go in her pants in 2 answers "... act like a big girl and use the potty all the time. She chose to go in her pants ..."