when should i start potty training my child

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My Daughter Is 18Months Old Today ( When Should I Start Potty Training Her)

M.T. asks from Dallas

I am just wanting some advice on when it is ok to start potty training little girls. she is 18months old. and she is a pretty smart girl....


Potty Training

A.B. asks from Jackson

I have a beautiful 19 month old baby girl who is totally resistant to potty training. When she was 15 motnhs old she started showing major interest in the potty so o...


Potty Training

A.S. asks from San Francisco

My 3-year old is just about finished potty training at home and at school (minus the BMs). I am interested and DO take him out and about with his underwear on to trai...


Potty Training

N.B. asks from Austin

I recently posted a request for potty training advice. I loved all of the responses I received. I went out and bought the cloth training pants. My daughter will be t...


Potty Training

B.W. asks from Minneapolis

I can't seem to get my toddler to poop on the potty. I have been hearing that this is very common but I want to know what other moms did in this situation. She's al...


Potty Training

K.O. asks from Springfield

My little guy is almost 2 1/2 and I am wanting to start potty training. We just got some new Thomas underwear that he was excited to get, but he wants NO part in put...


Potty Training

S.T. asks from Houston

I know I'm jumping the gun a little bit here, but I want to get a really good head start on potty training. My daughter is 15 months old and I want to start talking ...


Potty Training

G.W. asks from Seattle

My daughter is 21 month old,very smart,big vocabulary and very active.I have noticed she talks about potty since she sees me lettin our dog going outside to go potty ...


Potty Training

R.W. asks from San Antonio

Any moms out there have adivece on potty training? My son turned three in October and he will NOT poop in the potty, he never has. He is doing okay with pee-pee, but ...


Potty Training

R.M. asks from San Antonio

I have a beautiful 22 month old daughter. She can follow simple commands. I am planning on starting on potty training in the summer time after her second birthday. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • top of the regular toilet in 2 answers "I had the seat that fit on top of the regular toilet with a step stool and that's ..."
  • big girl panties in 2 answers "She used to be interested in wearing "big girl panties""
  • pee pee in the potty in 2 answers "once he went we clapped and make a big deal about it, had a pee pee in the potty song ..."
  • had a step stool in 2 answers "We bought her one of the potty's that had a step stool ( comes in use when washing ..."
  • starting potty training in 2 answers "Before considering starting potty training, I would recommend to be honest with yourself ..."