when should i start potty training my child

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Potty Training

J.R. asks from Boston

My son is going to be 3 in June and I wanted opinions and experiences on when to really start potty training. He knows what the potty is and what it's used for and w...


Potty Training!

A.H. asks from Cleveland

ok i know it may be a bit early to try and start potty training. but i was potty trained at 1 in a half. i figure it cant hurt to try. what are some good ways to get ...


Potty Training

E.O. asks from Los Angeles

I would like to start to potty train my 2 year old but i have a one year old who likes to get into everything. My 2 year shows interest in wanting to learn, she loves...


Potty Training

T.P. asks from San Diego

Hi, I am trying to potty train a two and 1/2 year old son. He can go to the potty as long as he does not have a diaper on. He refuses to use the training big boy ...


Potty Training

A.B. asks from Dallas

OK Moms...I know that this has been asked many times...but I too need help. My son, who is 2 and half shows interest in the potty but still will not go. I saw the tra...


Potty Training!

H.D. asks from Phoenix

My daughter is just over two and has been showing alot of interest in learning to use the potty. She actually goes potty several times a day if we encourage it. She h...


Potty Training

J.D. asks from Portland

My son is 3 years old and it seems to me that he has no desire to learn to use the potty. Just trying to get an idea of an average age boys usually start the potty t...


Potty Training

C.C. asks from Norfolk

We have been potty training our 2 yr old daughter now for about 2 months and everything has been going good for the most part. We take her about every 2 to 3 hours to...


Potty Training

M.H. asks from Boston

My youngest is 15 months, recently she is obsessed with the bathroom. Any time someone is in there she follows them in and waits for them to be done. She sits on the ...


Potty Training

M.M. asks from Honolulu

i need advice potty training tips. My 2year 4month old girl is somewhat hesitant to be potty trained. We succeeded once and then she went back to not wanting to potty...

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