I am 31 weeks along and last week at my Dr.'s appointment she said "Don't be surprised if you start having contractions, as long as they are not close together and ar...
Am I having contractions or is it just pulling growing stretching pains?
You know when you are running and not breathing right and you get that sharp "side ache" pai...
I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my second, and if I had Braxton Hicks contractions the first time around, I didn't know it. Since yesterday, I've been feeling occasional ...
Hi Ladies,
I am 20wks preganat with my second child. The last week or so, I've noticed that there are times that my stomach will get hard (mostly if I've been on...
For moms who have gone into labor--do you think it is easier to time contractions when you are sitting down resting and paying attention, or running around doing thin...
Hello there wonderful mamas!!! I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this. I was due yesterday and I started sporadic contractions as of late Tuesday night. Wednesd...
I am 37 weeks pregnant. On Monday I was 80% effaced and in between 2-3cm dilated.
I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions since about week 25. Normally they d...
I'm at 38 weeks and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my baby girl. Can anyone give me an idea of what a contraction feels like? I'm not sure if I'll know when t...
I am 33 weeks tomorrow and experiencing a lot of contractions today and painful movements from the baby. I should mention that I have been having contractions for a f...