weight loss after pregnancy

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Results 181-190 from 2,075 articles

Losing Weight

A.F. asks from New York

My question is how many moms find it necessary to be a certain weight in order to feel good about themselves. I am always struggling to follow Weight Watchers. I join...


Baby Weight

J. asks from Tampa

Hello. I was wondering how long it took for anyone to lose their baby weight? I am trying to get a realistic idea of what is normal. I gained 48 pounds with baby and ...


Weight Loss Support, Feeling Scared, Not Sure Why.

J.X. asks from Los Angeles

Okay, we are all moms, most of us have a few to loose, so I'm hoping to find some words of encouragement from those of you in my same boat right now. I started to co...


Weight Gain!!

M.F. asks from New York

I'm 26 and pregnant with my 3rd child..I was exercising everyday before I got pregnant this time..running 3.5 milles and doing spinning classes. And I was finally alm...


Weight Watchers

C.O. asks from Minneapolis

I exercise regularly and have a pretty healthy, balanced diet but run into trouble with portion control. I think I just need a bit of education and a kick in the pan...


Losing Weight???

C.P. asks from New York

I have a 4, 2 and 8 weeks old. I gained 35lbs during this 3rd pregnancy. I have been trying to get back to my pre-pg weight--130. (Only 8 lbs to go) I am breastf...


I Can't Lose Weight!

S.Y. asks from Lexington

My husband and I are considerably overweight. I just had my second baby on November 7, and have been working really hard to get back into shape. My husband and I ar...


How to Loss Baby Weight and Get Rid on Breakouts!

A.U. asks from Bellingham

Well I had m so Eddie Jr almost 2 years ago and I am still aboout25 lb over my normal weight, its really getting to me know and i keep trying stuff and i doesnt work ...


Losing Weight

D.W. asks from St. Louis

I have tried everything under the sun and CANNOT loose weight. I have worked out everyday, HARD, and ate very small portions of food, skipping meals, etc. and did NO...


Need Weight-loss Help Now!

A.M. asks from San Francisco

I am the mother of two happy, healthy two-year-old daughters. My weight since giving birth has advanced to the "you better do something about it soon" stage, but I a...

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Answer Highlights

  • muscle weighs more than fat in 2 answers "muscle weighs more than fat. however, you are NOT getting enough sleep - 3 to 4 ..."
  • check out weight watchers in 2 answers "Check out weight watchers online. It worked for me."
  • getting your heart rate in 2 answers "It's about getting your heart rate up for at least a half hour."
  • starvation mode in 2 answers "My guess would be that your body went into 'starvation mode'. You're probably not ..."
  • harder to lose weight in 2 answers "... of sleep and stress increases cortisol levels and makes it harder to lose weight."