weight loss after pregnancy

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Results 171-180 from 2,075 articles

Baby Weight

M.T. asks from Chicago

I had my baby girl 6 months ago and the love of my life. I gained 80 pounds during pregnancy, and in the first 3 months of her life I lost 60 (from nursing). I am n...


Weight Watchers

A. asks from Lakeland

I have heard positive things about Weight Watchers, but I'm not sure about joining. I need to lose about 60lbs, and I haven't had a lot of luck on my own. Can anyon...


Encouragement in Weight Loss, Feeling Really Down!

S.S. asks from San Antonio

Most of my life, I was a consistent weight and never had problems until college. My weight fluctuated all through, but even at the end of college, I was a comfortabl...


Weaning and Weight

M.R. asks from Rochester

Hi moms, I am interested in any suggestions or experiences from others moms with weaning and weight loss or gain. I have been fortunate to lose weight with health...


Postpartum Weight Loss

J. asks from Omaha

I was wondering if anyone has any tips or advice on how to shed the last 10 pregnancy pounds. I am breastfeeding my 5 mo.old exclusively, he is not on solids yet. I ...


Weight Watchers

A.R. asks from Philadelphia

Hi moms, I am recenty had a baby almost 2 months ago, but I have always battled my weight. I had my first son six years ago and gained almost 46 lbs. from a size 9, ...


Losing Weight

C.M. asks from Chicago

OK! I need some major help! After having my 2nd child (now 2) I cannot seem to lose all the weight! Plus I am over 30 now so I'm sure my metabolizm has slowed. I am r...


Struggling with Weight

A.S. asks from Miami

Hello Ladies I'm having issues to lose weight after the birth of my second son , He was born on 12/5/05 . I had join LA Weight lost 25 lbs only and got stuck in 6 mo...


How to Reduce Weight

G.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I'm trying to reduce my weight but couldn't. I cant find time to go to gym with my 20 months old daughter. I'm bulky in my arms and thighs. Which food helps...


Weight Gain

K.P. asks from Boston

Hi, my beautiful baby is two years old. I had an excellent pregnancy, and gained the normal 30lbs during my pregnancy. I have been struggling to get the remaining 1...

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Answer Highlights

  • no more than 1 2 pounds in 2 answers "It is best to lose no more than 1-2 pounds a week, although if you have a lot of weight ..."
  • weight watchers is a great program in 2 answers "Hi A., Congrats on your new baby! Weight Watchers is a great program for moms."
  • done weight watchers in 4 answers "I have done weight watchers along with my mom and a few other people I know."
  • lost the last 5 pounds in 2 answers "I say try not to stress about it - I lost the last 5 pounds with both of my kids after ..."
  • joined weight watchers in 2 answers "I also joined weight watchers and since January I have lost 16 lbs."