weight loss after pregnancy

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Weight Loss Immediately After Giving Birth

S.L. asks from El Paso

I am a first-time Mom, 28 weeks along. Im having a hard time adjusting to my new body and want to know what it will be like after I give birth. Im curious to find out...


Preg. Weight

A.B. asks from Washington DC

I had my some almost 2 years ago and due to a bad pregnancy I gained 64 lbs. If you saw me you wouldn't think my body could hold that much. Well that is why I had a b...


Pre-Preg Weight Loss

C.W. asks from San Angelo

I would like to get at a healthy weight for pregnancy. I just thought it would be easier to loose some weight before I gain during pregancy and I want a healthy pregn...


Weight Loss and Fitness

M.R. asks from Dallas

I am struggling trying to keep my weight off. I was REALLY thin back before I had my older son and I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy plus my husband was gone...


Weight Issues

R.K. asks from San Francisco

hi moms. so, i have been really torn about this issue. i don't subscribe to a "thin is better" view, nor do i believe it is always healthier. i find many different...


Weight Gain

F.S. asks from Jacksonville

Hello, everyone. My weight gain problem started in Feb . of 07 after my Gal Bladder surgery . Before the surgery i was in alot of pain all the time , but able to los...


Need Advice - How Do You Start Massive Weight Loss?

A.D. asks from Dallas

I seriously need to lose weight. To even reach the top of my "medically acceptable weight range" I will need to lose about 140 pounds. That is INSANE. How did I let...


Weight Watchers

N.C. asks from Washington DC

I need some feedback from other moms who have tried weight watchers. I am still breastfeeding my 6 month old son and have every intention of continuing until he's a ...


Weight Issues

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

There obviously isn't a miracle weight loss diet, otherwise everyone would be doing it if it was fast and easy. I am struggling with my weight because I'm getting old...


Losing Weight

A.M. asks from College Station

I am 5 months post baby number 2 and I am in need of some weight loss. I already lost a few pounds but I want to know how to lose some of this extra skin snd weight.....

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