weight loss after pregnancy

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Weight Loss After 4. HELP PLEASE!

C.K. asks from Washington DC

I am looking for a book or site I can use as a reference for great diet foods. I'm 28 (almost 29) and the mom of 3 boys and 1 girl ages 7, 5, 2, 7 months. I'm 5'almos...


Hormones and Weight Loss Trouble, Is There Really a Connection?

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Do any of you know if your hormones being whacked out or your thyroid can hijack weigh loss? I am doing the right things, I work out, I eat right, log my...


Need Help - Weight Loss

M.O. asks from College Station

I am trying very hard to take off 20-30 lbs. I am currently enrolled in a gym where I utilize the pool for swimming. Does anyone have any success stories in helping...


Weight Loss Ideas

M.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I have tried every kind of diet possible. (cleasing detox, weight watchers, curves, ect....) I just seem to get bored with workouts and can't seem to know exactley ho...


Suggestions on Weight Loss

S.S. asks from Miami

I know this probably sounds horrible coming from someone with my background, but I can't seem to do it for myself. I have lost basically all of my pregnancy weight, ...


Unexplained Weight Loss

R.D. asks from Richmond

This sounds kind of.. dumb, but I'm worried about my weight and I'm not talking about gaining. My son is almost 9 months old, and I had a lot of trouble losing the ba...


Loose Skin After Weight Loss

M.A. asks from Eau Claire

I lost some weight in the past few months went from 245 to 195, I am at my lowest weight since my 6 year old was born. But now the hanging loose skin is very hard to ...


Weight Loss Strategies???

L.C. asks from Chicago

Whats working for you? Ive done it all. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies and never took it off the last time, so im very frustrated. Ive tried WW, HC...


Weight Loss Advice

S.Y. asks from Tampa

Ok I know how to loose weight...excersice healthy eating...I get it. I just can't seem to stick to it!!! I just turned 31 today, im not thinking about it today but st...


Help with Finding a Weight Loss Plan

K.N. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies! I want to start up on a weight loss plan but I am not sure the best way to go about it. I am 28 and for my entire life I was always "that girl" everyone ha...

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Answer Highlights

  • low carb diet in 2 answers "The only think that has worked for me to lose weight is a low-carb diet."
  • doing weight watchers in 3 answers "I have been doing Weight Watchers online since February and I have lost 33 lbs, and ..."
  • recommend weight watchers in 2 answers "I highly recommend Weight Watchers, because it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle."
  • adrenal fatigue in 2 answers "I totally agree with what she said about adrenal fatigue too."
  • cause weight loss in 2 answers "If you have a hyperactive thyroid it could cause weight loss."