weight loss after having a baby

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Question About Weight Loss

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Ok Ladies..I would love to hear any words of encouragement or any advice on how to maximine the weight loss program I am going to start on Monday Here is the back st...


Exercise / Weight Loss During Pregnancy

T.R. asks from New York

I recently joined Curves and then found out we are pregnant with our third child. I was in the process of losing the last 20 lbs from my last pregnancy and would lik...


Need Help in Weight Loss

L.S. asks from Spartanburg

I had my last child in 2002. Before him, I weighed 110lbs. I had a rough pregnancy with him and not to mention he was a big baby(9lbs.12oz.)I gained a a good amount o...


Need Weight Loss Ideas...

K.W. asks from Augusta

...I am a SAHM who can't remain motivated to drop about 20lbs. I've tried weight watchers, going to the gym, etc but the scale won't budge. For example- I did weigh...


Unexplained Weight Loss

R.D. asks from Richmond

This sounds kind of.. dumb, but I'm worried about my weight and I'm not talking about gaining. My son is almost 9 months old, and I had a lot of trouble losing the ba...


Weight-loss While Breastfeeding

S.R. asks from Nashville

I have been hearing a lot lately that if you are breastfeeding your body will hold about 5 to 10 lbs of weight (fat) that you gained during pregnancy to ensure enough...


Weight Loss Suggestions

C.T. asks from Albany

I have a four month old baby girl and it seems like no matter what I have tried I can't seem to lose all the weight I gained during the pregnancy. Between being bedri...


Seeking Weight Loss Advice

M.D. asks from Houston

I can not seem to get the baby weight off. My daughter is almost three and I still need to lose about 40 pounds. I have vacation to Corpus Christi in July and would r...


Weight Loss and Working Out

J.B. asks from Houston

I was pretty slender when I got pregnant with my baby boy because about 5 years prior to getting preggers I did weight watchers and lost around 50 pounds. I was able...


Weight Loss After 4. HELP PLEASE!

C.K. asks from Washington DC

I am looking for a book or site I can use as a reference for great diet foods. I'm 28 (almost 29) and the mom of 3 boys and 1 girl ages 7, 5, 2, 7 months. I'm 5'almos...

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