weight loss after having a baby

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Results 111-120 from 3,957 articles

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

A.W. asks from Los Angeles

I realize losing weight post baby is a good thing... My son is 10 months and I am still nursing but seem to be losing quite a bit of weight. I work full time so we ar...


Breastfeeding and Weight Loss??? Not Me:(

M.L. asks from Modesto

all the babies I have had were through c sections, I also breast fed them all as well the first 2 i breast fed them and formula fed them, my new baby whos 3 months ...


Reccomendations for Safe Weight Loss Pills.

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello Mamas! I am getting frustrated here!! I really need to shed 10-15 pounds and I'd love some advice from you mom's. I've been doing the South Beach Diet and ch...


Quick Weight Loss

S.C. asks from Chicago

Anyone know of a way to loose weight quickly (I am not talking about weeks but with a few months) I would like to loose about 30 or so pounds. Had my first child a ye...


Weight Loss While Nursing

V.L. asks from Kansas City

I recently had my 3rd child and gained about 40lbs from the pregnancy. This summer I have to stand up in a wedding and I need to lose the weight to fit into my dress....


Pregnancy and Weight Loss

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Well it has offically started, my wave of pregnancy questions!! You would think that as this is baby 3, I would have figured all this stuff out by now! ...


Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

J.B. asks from St. Louis

Have any mothers successfully lost weight while breastfeeding without drying up? What diet methods worked best? I have been exclusively breastfeeding for four months ...


Help for Weight Loss

K.P. asks from Salinas

I need help!!! I've been struggling with the 'left over' baby weight from my pregnancy almost two years ago. I breastfed my daughter for an entire year so I tried t...


Weight Loss Supplements

C.M. asks from Chicago

I have a lot of weight to lose and I am looking for a good supplement that will help me to lose weight quickly along with exercise. I am not trying to lose all of th...


Hormones and Weight Loss Trouble, Is There Really a Connection?

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey mamas, Do any of you know if your hormones being whacked out or your thyroid can hijack weigh loss? I am doing the right things, I work out, I eat right, log my...

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Answer Highlights

  • great weight loss program in 2 answers "I have used a great weight loss program that truly is healthy."
  • adrenal fatigue in 2 answers "I totally agree with what she said about adrenal fatigue too."
  • south beach diet in 2 answers "I lost all the pregnancy weight (40 lbs) in 4 months on the south beach diet."
  • hypo thyroid in 2 answers "... can stress if your obsessing about it). 5 women in my family have hypo-thyroid ..."
  • weight watchers in 5 answers "I just read your question (a little late!)...and I am a HUGE Weight Watchers Fan."