weight diet plan

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Results 181-190 from 3,296 articles

Diet Pill Help

S.A. asks from Dallas

I am a mother of a beautiful 13 year old daughter and handsome 10 year old son. I am divorced and recently engaged to an amazing man. We got pregnant a couple month...


Foods That Are Ok While on Diet

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am trying to lose weight and watching what I eat. I have cut down on white carbs and sugar. Also reduced portion size. I am sure there are lot of info available...


Loosing Weight

V.M. asks from New York

Hi all! I'm 28, and my husband is away until May. I've been with him since i was 16 and I miss him very much. I used to thinner(who wasen't) before I had my 4 y...


How Do I Loose Weight, Has Anyone Tried the Special K Diet?

T.A. asks from Philadelphia

my little girl is almost 10 mths old i cant loose any of the baby weight. it seems like i am gaining weight. I dont have the extra money to go to the gym so i do my e...


"Eat Right for Your Type" Diet

T.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I have suspected for a long time that I have a sensitivity to wheat products. Even though I have thought this for a while, I have not taken the steps to el...


Looking for a Good "Diet Pill"

K.O. asks from Fort Collins

I have done some research on the internet for a good diet pill. I currently workout on a daily basis, mixing cardio and weights. I am eating right and gearing towar...


Diet Pill Alli

R.M. asks from Houston

Has anyone tried the diet pill alli? I have attempted to by it so many times but have heard of some awful side effects. If anyone has any experiences good or bad plea...


Primal Blueprint Diet and PALEO Diet... Wanting YOUR Thoughts

R.T. asks from Dallas

The Primal Blue Print and the PALEO program isn't really a DIET its supposed to be a lifestyle change. I get that. I am wondering if its a good weightloss plan? Can w...


Vegan or Raw Food Diet??

E.B. asks from Seattle

I am looking for a ''new'' way to eat. I am already a gluten free, low fat, high protein and fiber person. I was reading up on raw diets and vegan eating? If you f...


Alli ~ Diet Pill

I.C. asks from Portland

I was wondering if anyone out there had any feedback about Alli? I have already started a workout regimen, and I have started to eat healthier. I am just looking fo...

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Answer Highlights

  • lost a total of 21 inches in 2 answers "I have been on the product for 4 weeks and have lost a total of 21 inches."
  • use the fitday program in 2 answers "... to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. I use the FitDay program ..."
  • sparkpeople and myfitnesspal in 2 answers "I agree that SparkPeople and MyFitnessPal are good places to start."
  • burn more calories in 2 answers "... you - it helps get your metabolism woken up and moving so you burn more calories ..."
  • jumping jacks in 2 answers "... when we are indoors for the winter). Simple exercises like jumping jacks ..."