weight diet plan

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Results 171-180 from 3,296 articles

Breastfeeding with Low Calorie Diet

S.A. asks from Binghamton

Hello, I have gestational diabetes and the nutritionist and doctor have me on an 1800 calorie diet because I am also overweight. Luckily I am able to control the dia...


Seeking Diet Tips

R.V. asks from Phoenix

I'm in desperate need to pick a diet and stick to it. Does anyone have any advice or articles they've read that has helped them get off to the right start when it co...


Weight Lose

M.C. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, In the last couple of years I have put on a lot of weight, maybe 40 extra pounds. I’m starting to get really upset when looking at myself in the mirror, ...


Diet for Loosing Inches

A.D. asks from Tyler

I had my 3rd child 6 1/2 weeks ago. I am still about 6 or 7 lbs which I am not to worried about. I am frustrated with the inches. I am dying to get back in my old ...


Diet Advice and Motivation

L.E. asks from Dallas

I'll try to make this short. I've always been overweight but last year got down to around what I was in High School. Within a year I've gained 20lbs. probably due t...


Brewer Diet Pregnancy

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am obese and pregnant. A friend of mine told me that to try the brewer diet. Its not really a diet , but a healthy eating plans for moms to be. Has anyone tried i...


Vegan Diet for Children

N.F. asks from Chicago

Just wondering...how healthy is a vegan diet for a 1 yr old? She's been on a vegan diet since birth. What are pros and cons? Thanks. Side note: this is not my ...


Losing the Weight

A.C. asks from New York

I'm 33 and have a beautiful baby boy. It's my first child and I feel blessed every second of my life for him and his father who is a great husband and dad- Very helpf...


Weight Loss?

J.W. asks from Seattle

I had a baby 4 months ago and am trying to lose my baby weight. I don't have the extra money to join a gym or do those meal delivery things, so those are not an optio...


Atkins Diet Anyone

T.D. asks from Cincinnati

Monday is going t be the first day of the Atkins Diet for me and my partner. We have both had success on it in the past. I actually lost 50 pounds before I got preg...

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Answer Highlights

  • figure out how many calories in 2 answers "good foods". One day I used a web site to figure out how many calories I had eaten ..."
  • apple cider vinegar in 2 answers "I think you should add Apple cider vinegar for loosing weight, add 2 teaspoons of ..."
  • walk during your lunch in 2 answers "Get the exercise in by taking a long walk during your lunch break as a starting point."
  • fresh fruits and veggies in 2 answers "I always have fresh fruits and veggies to snack on and eat a lot of lean protein."
  • fit before your pregnancy in 2 answers "I applaud you for making the effort to be physically fit before your pregnancy, but ..."