weight diet plan

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Results 91-100 from 3,296 articles

Weight Lose

A.B. asks from Dallas

i am looking for a weight lose solution i can do at home, lately i have had some problems with my blood pressure. its not in the danger zone yet but if i don't lose s...


Weight Watchers

A.M. asks from Lansing

Hello I was wondering if anyone has done weight watchers and if they liked it, did it work for you and should I do it on line or go to the meetings. I have gained so ...


Weight Watchers

M.M. asks from Chicago

Has anyone tried weight watchers and had success? I want to join for a month only, and lose about 10 pounds. Has anyone that kind of success with Weight watchers. If ...


Weight Loss

R.J. asks from Columbia

I hope everybody had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Can anybody tell me of a weight loss supplement that worked for them. I want to lose weight before my 26th b-day on May 29t...


Weight Issues

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

There obviously isn't a miracle weight loss diet, otherwise everyone would be doing it if it was fast and easy. I am struggling with my weight because I'm getting old...


Weight Gain

M.H. asks from Chattanooga

Ok this is going to sound weird but I and 5'7 and 106lbs. I am not anorexic i eat three time a day at lest. But my Dr. is worried about my weight and has told me to d...


Seeking a DIET That Really Works!!

J.A. asks from Boston

Hello, I need help I am in need to do a diet, but every diet that I try I can not stick to it. I either get sick of the food or it is just really hard. I am a stay...


Keeping Weight Down

C.Z. asks from Omaha

Alright. I am looking for good stable ways to keep my weight down. With both of the boys I gained 60+ pounds... Yeah, totally not proud of that. This time I want to a...


Seeking Advice on Weight Loss and Exercise Plan That Works

L.M. asks from Washington DC

I am a mom of 6 kids and I work full time. I was wondering if any one has any good suggestions that have worked for them on losing weight. I have always been able t...


Weight Loss

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

Help...I need some wieght loss tricks. I am 5'6" but I look about 175. I have been working out walking/jogging most days of the week and lifting weights for streng...

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Answer Highlights

  • how much weight you should gain in 2 answers "If so, talk to your doctor about how much weight you should gain."
  • eat smaller portions in 2 answers "Jenny craig really taught me how to eat smaller portions and the fact that you have ..."
  • lost all my baby weight in 2 answers "Since I was previously on Jenny Craig, and lost all my baby weight and then some ..."
  • did weight watchers in 2 answers "I actually actively did weight watchers a few years after college (I had gained more ..."
  • did weight watchers in 2 answers "I did weight watchers after I had my 2nd baby."