wedding limo

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Results 51-60 from 133 articles

Getting Married

K.F. asks from Fort Myers

well i am planning a beach wedding and have done a lot of research so far....but i cant seem to find the perfect place you know? we are paying for it ourselves so we ...


Almost 4 Year Old Daughter Refuses to Be a Flower Girl

G.D. asks from Chicago

Hello. My almost 4 year old daughter was asked to be the flower girl for my niece's upcoming wedding. She is hot and cold on the topic, but recently is flat-out ref...


Need a Great Gift Idea for Hubby

A.M. asks from El Paso

My 5th wedding anniversary is next week and I still have no idea what to get my 36 year old husband. We have 3 month old baby boy. Any and all ideas are greatly app...


Jff--If You Could Do Anything for a 10Th Anniversary...

A.C. asks from Savannah

I have only been married for 5 1/2 years so I have plenty of time to think, plan, and (the key) SAVE for a great 10th anniversary! Another mom asked a question earlie...


Should I Be Feeling Differently? How Did You Feel?

R.D. asks from Richmond

We're getting married in 12 days. I've been so super busy with the kids school year winding down that I haven't wrapped my brain around this wedding yet. I'm having a...


Did You Drink Alcohol When You Were Pregnant????

N.G. asks from Los Angeles

A couple of weekends ago, I was at a wedding of a friend that got married. One of the bridesmaids, 32 yrs old, was 6 months pregnant (Info I Maid of Honor told me). S...


Who Plans and Pays for Bridal Shower and Bacherlorette Party?

J.D. asks from Columbus

Hello Moms~ My neice and her boyfriend are planning a wedding for next year, and she has asked me to be her Maid of honor. Each will have 10 people standing up fo...


My Boyfriend Is the Best Man......

T.M. asks from Denver

Hello! My Boyfriend is the best man at his best friends wedding. Since I haven't really gone to many weddings and I've never been in one I have a lot of questions...


How to Get Married...

J.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I'm really not sure what to do first! Do you go to the courthouse and pay for your marriage license before or after the w...


Bridesmaid Problem

N.T. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I am a bridesmaid in my brother-in-law's upcoming wedding. I am included in everything EXCEPT the bachelorette party. Granted I am about 10 years older than mos...

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