Does anyone know the actual age it is OK to leave older children unattended in the pool for a short period of time? American Red Cross uses the term children, but do...
Hi Moms, Well, we learned a lesson! In trying to cut back on the finances we decided to let the pool service go for a few months! It just started turning green last...
We are adding an inground pool to our backyard. Our kids are toddlers and I'm looking for recommendations on best design for a growing family - safety when they're yo...
Hello Moms!! Looking for advice from Moms who have pools and have experience with hosting large parties with young kids. The question is - to leave the fence up (mesh...
We are buying one of those 12x30 pools with the inflatable rings. It comes with a filted, but I have no idea what I have to use or do as far as chemicals. I a...
We are having trouble keeping the water clear. My husband is out there everyday scrubbing and vacuuming. I know the fliters that they come with are slow :( We are ...
Not being a fan of Dallas summers, I think it would be nice to move to a house with a backyard, in-ground pool, but my husband is wary of the maintenance involved. I ...
I was hoping someone might know what to do about bathingsuits that look dirty and dingy after a day at the pool? Summer just started and already I have 2 new swimsuit...
Im thinking about draining our soft sided pool below pump and covering, then leaving up for winter> Has anyone ever done this? It is an inflatable with the ring at t...
Has anyone ever used the chlorine tablets that you put in the filter basket? They sell a big bucket at Sam's and we were curious if these worked well or not before we...