vitamins for 16 month old

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Breastfeeding 13 Month Old (How Long Will You Breastfeed)

T. asks from Birmingham

Hi, Just wondering how long will/would you breastfeed your baby/toddler. When my 6 year old son was a baby I nursed 15 months and my now 13 month old son is still nu...


1 Month Old Sleep Habit and Feeding Schedule

M.T. asks from Chicago

I have a one month old and I have a couple of questions regarding eating and sleeping. I am breastfeeding, but I have low milk supply so I have to supplement. So I nu...


14 Month Old with No Appetite! Please Help! I Am Worried to Death!!!!

C.T. asks from Jacksonville

My 14 month old daughter has no appetite. It's a long story so let me give you the short version. My daughter was never sick until she was about 10 months old, she al...


10.5 Month Old Suddenly Disinterested in food...Is This a Normal Phase?

S.B. asks from Las Vegas

My 10.5 month old baby girl seems to have lost interest in food. When we first started her on her home made foods, she took to it incredibly well and was doing a nice...


Breastfeeding 9 Month Old--how Many Times a Day?

C.D. asks from Miami

Hi ladies! So I am still breastfeeding my 9 month old 4-5 times a day and am getting really tired. I would like to wean him soon (but not completely) and was just won...


3 1/2 Month Old Not Having Bowel Movements as Frequently

J.C. asks from Detroit

My 3 1/2 month old little boy went from having a bowel movement every other day to now going only once every 3-7 days over the past few weeks. He is strictly breastf...


13 Month Old Stopped Eating! Too Much Milk???

L.M. asks from Denver

Hello, I have a very hyper 13 month old boy. He has always been an amazing eater!! He ate almost everything we put in front of him. The past couple weeks that has com...


14 Month Old with Loose Stool

K.B. asks from Austin

My 14th month old always seems to have loose stool. We recently switched him to lactose free milk thinking he may be lactose intolerant. This did not help him. The on...


Advice for Anemic 13 Month Old Taking Iron

J.D. asks from Denver

My 13 month old daughter was sick a lot this winter from daycare and so she breastfed a lot. As a result, she is slightly anemic/iron deficient--with a hematocrit of ...


Help! I Am the Mom of a 4 Month Old and I Need Sleep

A.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, My baby is almost 4 months old and I need some sleep. When he was an infant he would go to bed at 10pm and wake up 2-3 times. That changed to just 2 times wi...

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