vitamins for 16 month old

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Results 141-150 from 2,192 articles

Introducing Solid Food to a 4 Month Old

S.W. asks from Kansas City

I need some advice on how to introduce food to my 4 month old. My doctor went really fast explaining everything and I am not sure exactly what to do. I know that ev...


5 Month Old Still Spitting up Frequently...

E.Y. asks from Columbia

My 5 month old son, Jaxon, spits up constantly! We're not talking the average spit up. It's projectile happening multiple times during feedings and in-between feedi...


Concern About Slow Weight Gain for 9 Month Old Daughter

L.C. asks from San Francisco

Hi everyone, I am a little concerned about my 9 month old daughter's slow weight gain. Yesterday we had her 9 month checkup and her weight was "only" 16 lbs. 12oz,...


Help Weanning My 21 Month Old Baby Boy

V.S. asks from Los Angeles

Need ideas on ways,to wean my 21 month old from night Nursing?? I'm a SAHM my baby would nurse 5 & 6 times a day. He still sleeps with me & my husband so needles...


2 Month Old Not Making Normal Bowel Movements

M.M. asks from Washington DC

I have a 2.5 month old baby girl who seems to only make a bowel movement once aday every 2 to 3 days. this has been going on for about three weeks now. is there anyt...


I Am 16 Weeks Pregnant and Just Found Out! TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!

E.P. asks from Washington DC

I was wondering if anyone has been in this situation. I am already over my 1st trimester and just found out I am pregnant. I have been so distraught thinking of all I...


Hints on Getting My 17 Month Old to Drink More Milk

T.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My pediatrician recommends 16oz of whole milk a day for my 17 month old. She likes milk but does not drink anywhere near the recommended amount. She has never ta...


15 Month Old at 9Th Percentile in Weight... So Worried...

L.F. asks from Chicago

I need advice from anyone who can help. I am concerned for my 15 month old son who is having trouble gaining weight. Yesterday,his doctor said that he is in the 9th ...


11 Month Old Doesn't Want to Eat Anything but Snacks

A.M. asks from Tulsa

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting an 11 month old to eat something other than Cheerio's, goldfish and yogurt? She will take a few bites of most things tha...


12 Month Old Who Only Breastfed with Not Drink Milk. Help?

J.W. asks from San Diego

My 12 month old daughter who has only been breast fed (she never would take a bottle) will not drink milk. I am trying to ween her and really want to ween, but I am a...

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Answer Highlights

  • putting him in his own bed in 2 answers "... If it's the night feeding that he can't stop, try putting him in his own bed."
  • main source of nutrition in 2 answers "Babies main source of nutrition is either breastmilk or formula in the 1st year."
  • started with green beans in 3 answers "I know she had her first vegetable right at 5 months. I started with green beans and ..."
  • long term affects in 2 answers "Currently, we have not noticed any long term affects-vocally or physically."
  • burn more calories in 2 answers "... warmly enough she will expend her body's resources (ie burn more calories ..."