vitamins for 16 month old

Related Questions & Answers

Results 101-110 from 2,192 articles

7 Month Old Not Liking Babyfood

B.V. asks from Chicago

My 7 month old girl does not like to eat the cereal nor gerber. I'm not sure if it is the texture or what but my doctor says that she will eventually come around to ...


Teething Seven Month Old Getting Sick

M.A. asks from Miami

Hello parents. My seven month old daughter just got really sick- fever, runny nose,coughing. Some people are telling me it's from teething. Should I give her baby tyl...


8 1/2 Month Old Won't Take Formula

J.R. asks from Sioux City

i have an 8 1/2 month old daughter and she has been bottle-fed from the start. she all the sudden will not take her formula. i have tried switching formulas, i have...


How to Get My 10 Month Old to Eat

B.P. asks from Philadelphia

my 10 month old daughter does not eat well. She does not want baby food anymore and when I try to feed her the toddler food, she turns her head away. I feel like sh...


11 Month Old Fights Bottle

L.E. asks from Nashville

My 11 month old desperately fights me to take her bottle. She has always seemed to hate her bottle, and we have tried every formula and are now using nutramigen. Sh...


19 Month Old on Hunger Strike

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

I know everyone says your child will eat when he's hungry and if you just offer healthy food choices he will eventually eat. Well, I'm starting to question that. In...


My 18 Month Old Is Underweight

R.M. asks from Austin

I really need some advice. At 15 months my daughter weighed 16 pounds and was diagnosed as failure to thrive. She is growing appropriately in height and head circumfe...


14 Month Old Not Eating Much

M.P. asks from Portland

I am SAHM of a happy 14 month old boy. He was 19 lbs 6 oz at his one year check up and his doc wants me to "beef him up." We decided that BF was not providing him wit...


15 Month Old Picky Eater

J.B. asks from New York

Hi all, My name is J., I have a 15 month old beautiful baby girl. When I started incorporating table food into her diet she would taste anything. Now all of a su...


13 Month Old Never Been Sick

S.B. asks from Seattle

My 13 month old son has never been sick. I am home with him most of the week, but he is with a girlfriend of mine 3 days a week for about 7 hrs each of those days. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • build up their immune in 2 answers "... true that it's good for kids to get sick so that they can build up their immune ..."
  • healthy immune system in 4 answers "He simply has a very healthy immune system."
  • never ate baby food in 2 answers "my youngest son just turned one and he never ate baby food."
  • his immune system in 5 answers "I wouldn't worry about his immune system... he'll still be '"
  • their immune systems in 2 answers "I do agree that children should build their immune systems, but I do not agree that ..."