Took my 6 year old son to the doctor today and found out that he has strep throat and ear infection in both ears but now he is running between 104 and a 105 temp have...
20 month old daughter has a bad case of the coughs and congestion...Tylenol and motrin were given earlier for fever symptoms but the cough is getting worst. She is hu...
I have a little one who has caught his sister's cold. I just feel so bad for him. He has a hacking cough, stuffy nose, chest congestion. I can hear some difficulty...
My son is coughing ALL NIGHT LONG. He doesn't cough much at all during the day. He's almost 2 and in a big boy bed. I have tried Benadryl, natural allergy tablets, ...
My baby boy has a terrible cough. I've tried the steamy shower and the warm bath. I'm also breastfeeding him which I heard helps. It's kind of scary because he chok...
I am in misery. My 5 mo has a cold, runny nose, stuffy head, the works, and I can't give her any medicine to dry her up. She can't sleep well at all because she keeps...
He's got a terrible head cold and the drip causes constant coughing all night. We're all exhausted! The poor guy literally coughs about every 4-5 seconds; his throa...
my nine month old son has a horrible cough that is keeping him up at night. He also has a runny nose. He sleeps with a humidifier but it doesn't seem to help. My h...
Hey 17 month old has been in bed for a few hours now and is asleep but he keeps coughing. It's a very dry cough. Is there anything I can do? I hate to w...