My first delivery was a c-section due to the fact that my daughter was in a breech position due to a retro flex uterus. I am 8 months pregnant and doc has said this t...
I'm new to the area. Live in Granada Hills but want to find an OB that can deliver at Cedars. I want a hospital that will let me move around and possibly soak in a t...
So I have a very small tilted pelvis and this large headed child only has about a 30-40% success rate of being delivered vaginally. Our plan (mine, husbands and doct...
Grrrr. I went to the meeting of my local ICAN chapter (a "c-section support group") last night with the hopes of finding a listening ear and left feeling awful abo...
I know this is kind of late but I am 35 weeks pregnant and currently scheduled to have a c section august 16th. I have been been reading a bit more about vbacs and i...
Hello, I recently found out that we are expecting our second child, and we are thrilled. However, I am starting to think about the labor and delivery. I am petite, ...
Just wanting to know if I should attempt a vbac on my second try (not pregnant yet). I fully labored (over 24 hours) and pushed for two hours. I am still traumitize...
I am 15 weeks along with my 2nd child and so far, my pregnancy has been very happy & healthy.
I had a C-Section 2 years ago and after a miserable experience, I vowed...
Hi me and my husband are definitely undecided on whether to have any more children. My first concern is to be able to provide financially. But I would say my biggest ...
When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my son, I had an emergency C-section due to decresed fetal movement and decreased heart rate, after it was all said and done, we had...