using a pacifier

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Results 61-70 from 4,441 articles

Bedtime and Pacifier

M.M. asks from Boston

My son is 10 weeks old and often takes his pacifier to bed. When it falls out of his mouth he will cry until I get up and put it back in. Lately I feel like I am do...


Pacifier Issues

J.R. asks from Dallas

I have a one year old who loves her pacifier. I try not to give it to her when we are out and about or just playing in the house but she LOVES it. She has to have i...


Weening off the Pacifier

K.B. asks from Rochester

Hello, my daughter is almost 18 months old and still uses her pacifier which is okay by me if it's naptime or bedtime. The problem is, the second any sort of problem...


Weaning from the Pacifier

A.L. asks from Dallas

Okay mommas, I need to know when you finally decided to throw out the pacifier. I worked hard to have my son weaned by his first birthday, however my husband talked m...


Pacifier Opinions

L.T. asks from Dallas

My daughter is almost 13 months. She takes a pacifier at nap time and bedtime only. She no longer takes a bottle so I think she likes the paci even more now. I was...


Weening from the Pacifier

W.B. asks from Allentown

I am looking for ways to wean my daughter who is 11 months off the pacifier. I don't believe in letting her scream it out considering she tends to get sick on doing t...


Breaking from a Pacifier

A.B. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 20 months old, and loves her pacifier. I really want to have it gone by her birthday (12/26). I have already gotten her used to having it at her nap ...


From Pacifier to Thumb?

A.P. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms! I have a 19 month old who has had his pacifier only during naptime and and at night since he turned 1. We had no issues at all. After the holidays, w...


Pacifier Problems

D.S. asks from Portland

Any tips on how to rid our 3 1/2 year old of the pacifier? She loves it and we have been trying to wean her off of it, as it is causing problems with her teeth. (He...


Pacifier and Not Babbling

J.M. asks from Omaha

We have a 2 year old daughter who used a pacifier for a few months and then quit cold turkey and was so easy to take it away. We now have a 10 month old son who is AD...

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  • about the binky fairy in 3 answers "... that show) It was the same concept previously mentioned about the binky fairy ..."
  • stuffed animal in 3 answers "like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal?"
  • cold turkey in 4 answers "I took it away overnight like cold turkey when he was 10 months old, and again he ..."
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