My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
Does your car have to be registered before you sell it? I've been looking for an answer and can't find any clear answers online (through Google and DMV site). Our reg...
Hi Everyone:) My daughter will be 8 months in 3 days...ok time goes incredibly fast!! Well, she is over 20lbs and I am confused about what we need to do about her c...
Can anyone recommend a good car seat for a toddler. I'd like to keep my daughter in a 5 point harness as long as possible because it seems the safest. She will be 3...
My husband and I will be looking to buy a used van in the next month or so... I have 3 kiddos, and crammed in the back seat with 2 boosters it's *really* tight... any...
I have two children who have never been car sleepers and needless to say, road trip vacation are always a nightmare! My kids are now 6 and 2 and I have hea...
I am getting ready to shop for my first baby crib. I recently read the book "Baby Bargins" and they recommended NEVER getting a used crib. I know older cribs don't fa...
We're getting a bunk bed (for free) for our kids next week, who have grown out of their toddler beds. Now we will need mattresses, but we're a bit low on funds since ...
I hate my infant seat! I never carry it around, I just take him out and put him in a sling or ergo while running errands, etc. My question is, does he have to be i...
My daughter is expecting idential twin boys in June...they'll probably come sooner. Her aunts are throwing her a shower and she is hoping to get most of the bigger t...