typical diet for a 6 month old

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Results 21-30 from 1,228 articles

How Much/often to Feed 6 Month Old

D.M. asks from Columbus

Hey moms, I need some advice. I am in the process of introducing various solids to my 6 m.o. I am making my own baby food as well as nursing him at various times th...


6 Month Old Feeding!!

A.L. asks from New Orleans

Im just wondering if my child's daily diet is normal! He wakes up every morning around 5:30 am, and i give him an 8oz bottle of formula, then around 9am i feed him ri...


6 Month Old Spits up Liquids but Not Solids!

C.L. asks from Athens

My son was a preemie and has been on thick formula and oatmeal or breast milk and oatmeal since he was one month old. The doctors said it was acid reflux and that wou...


My 6 Month Old Son Is Waking up Once an Hour During the Night.

H.M. asks from Knoxville

Hi Everyone, I am new to Mamapedia and hope to get some advice. My son will be 6 months old this Wednesday. For a couple months now he has not been sleeping wel...


Solids and 6 Month Old

N.R. asks from Charleston

I started solids to my son wen he was 5.5 months old with rice cereal. started with one scoop gradually increased to 2 scoops in 10 days. On day 11 his stomach got ...


6 Year Old Boy/ ADHD

V.H. asks from Austin

My 6 year old boy is loving, caring, sweet and smart but is having a lot of issues in Kindergarten with focus, consentration and aggressive behavior that seems to be ...


Reflux in 6-Wk Old

A.W. asks from Grand Junction

My 6-week old son was diagnosed with reflux and the doctor put him on prevacid. I breastfeed and pump so dad can feed him once at night. What can I do to help make hi...


6 Year Old Diagnosed with ADHD

J.A. asks from Cincinnati

My 6 year old has been diagnosed with ADHD. I've been reading studies about children taking Omega-3 fish oil and improving as much as with Ritalin. Has anyone tried...


What Is Normal 6 Yr Old Behavior?

E.Q. asks from Austin

I have two daughters, my oldest is 6 yrs old and my youngest is 3. Since my oldest just turned 6 yrs old 2 months ago, I am new to parenting a 6 yr old. And I know ...


6 Year Old Son Has Bad Attitude

A.E. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 year old son just started 1st grade last week. Now I know that it takes time to adjust from being home all summer to getting up early and being in school all da...

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