typical diet for a 6 month old

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Results 91-100 from 1,228 articles

14 Month Old with Excema and Psoriasis

K.H. asks from Portland

Hi, my almost 14 month old son has been having major skin issues since about April when I slowly started to wean him. It started out as excema behind the knees which...


Ah, 5 Month Old Help

S.G. asks from Harrisburg

Hello Moms, I have a 5 month old baby boy, and he's a bundle of joy. Our pediatrician said that we could start him on baby foods and gradually work up to stage 2. To...


19 Month Not Gaining Weight

V.A. asks from Dallas

I have a 19 month old that has always been on the small side. he wasn't a premie at birth, but didn't really have any baby fat like my friend's children. His height...


2-Month Old Has Bad Bms

R.G. asks from Houston

I need some advice please. My 2-month old did fine in the hospital and coming home from the hospital. She started off with Similac Advance and did great. Then when we...


Typical Timeline for Eating Solids and Weening from Breastfeeding

A.D. asks from Albuquerque

My son is now 7 months old and is hardly interested in breastfeeding or bottlefeeding anymore. My pediatrician has given the ok on solids, but I'm unsure if it is nor...


8 Month Old Wakes up a Lot During Night

H.L. asks from Burlington

I have seen the sleep issue posted and discussed many times but I am still struggling with my 8 month old waking several times during the night. We put our son to b...


11 Month Old Waking Every 2 Hours

O.G. asks from Sacramento

My 11 month old son just started waking up every 2 hours again. he was sleeping for 6 hours wake once and go right back to bed for another 6 hours but now he is up e...


6 Yr. Old Son Has Achy Legs

K.L. asks from San Francisco

My son fairly often complains of his legs hurting. Sometimes as soon as he wakes up, he'll complain that his legs hurt and it's hard for him to stand or walk. I'm not...


Husband Can't Soothe 6 Week Old - Mom Has No Break - Any Ideas?

K.G. asks from Austin

Hi Ladies, I am writing to find out your experiences so that I can share them with my Husband. I stay at home with our new six week old daughter whom I adore beyo...


Vitamins for a 15 Month Old

L.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello, My daughter eats mostly table food now. I try to feed her a nutritous diet but my mother in law recommended I also give her vitamins. Do other mother's give t...

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Answer Highlights

  • poly vi sol in 2 answers "I give my 18 mo old Poly-Vi-Sol by Enfamil, my pediatrician says this was best."
  • national psoriasis foundation in 2 answers "Contacting the National Psoriasis foundation should be great help for you."
  • pillow between his knees in 2 answers "I give him a little massage, tell him to put pillow between his knees and he's out ..."
  • happiest baby on the block in 6 answers "... of a DVD they have at the Houston libraries called "Happiest Baby on the Block ..."
  • hylands teething tablets in 2 answers "... it probably doesn't work (never did for me!). try Hylands teething tablets ..."