transition from crib to bed

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Switching from Crib to Bed

L.G. asks from Phoenix

My friends and I were talking about when the stopped putting their kids in a crib and switching over to a bed. One lady said 1 year for her first and just a little b...


Poll: What Age Did You Transistion Your Toddler from a Crib to a Bed?

V.D. asks from Salt Lake City

What age did you transition your toddler form their crib to a toddler bed?


Changing from Crib to Toddler Bed

C.J. asks from Houston

I have a 2yr old who loves her crib. She never tries to escape and she always goes to sleep soon after we lay her down. But I was wondering if I should go ahead and p...


Crib to Toddler Bed

F.B. asks from New York

Is there a height guideline for when to make a crib into a toddler bed, or a measure like when the top rail is at baby's chest? Daycare tells us our one year old is t...


Help on Crib to Bed Transition

A.F. asks from New York

Hi all, My 2yr old has transitioned to a big boy bed. He goes to sleep easily (we don't hear a peep after we leave after reading his story) but wakes up after 4 or s...


From the Crib to the Bed, Again and in a New Place.

M.K. asks from Syracuse

We are moving in about two weeks and my daughter, who just turned two at the end of last October is still sleeping in her crib. I posted before about how she tells m...


Converting Crib to a Toddler Bed

J.C. asks from Washington DC

Hello all! I just wanted to get some ideas on when you all switched your toddlers from the crib to the toddler bed. We have a convertable crib so the toddler bed ju...


Transitioning from Crib to Big Bed

D.R. asks from Birmingham

Okay, she just turned 3 so I am not pushing this yet (no other siblings behind her to make her move) but i just want some no nonsense advice for easing the transition...


When to Transition Baby to Toddler Bed

M.T. asks from Springfield

Hey Everyone: Just curious when you transitioned your baby to a toddler bed. I have a 16-month-old and we have a convertible crib and I am just curious as to when w...


Moving from Crib to Toddler Bed?

T.T. asks from Dallas daughter is trying to climb out of the crib so it seems that she is ready to move to a toddler bed. I am not ready by any means to move her but I have no...

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Answer Highlights

  • stick to your guns in 4 answers "Stick to your guns! There's no reason to traumatize her."
  • there is no right or wrong in 2 answers "Every child moves to a bed at a different age and there is no right or wrong age to ..."
  • big girl bed in 6 answers "... her settle in for 6 months and then transitioned her into her own big girl bed ..."
  • made a big deal in 3 answers "5 or 3 is a great age to move to a toddler bed. We made a big deal about taking the ..."
  • big girl bed in 5 answers "I moved my first daughter into her big girl bed at 2 mainly because I was pregnant ..."