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How Are Moms of Middler-schoolers+ Handling the Current Political Climate?

A.B. asks from Charlotte

Just curious, with all the news of the economy and the way it has affected our lives, how are you talking to your children about what's going on in the US? Has the ec...


Question About 17M/o Teeth

R.Z. asks from Buffalo

I'm a little concerned about my 17 month old and her lack of teeth. With her older sister, pretty much all of her teeth were in by now, and they came in proper seque...


Facebook Strikes Again

E.M. asks from Chicago

So, my husband & I just learned through Facebook that my BIL & his wife are expecting their 3rd child. No phone call. No personal email. My husband and his brother ar...


Baby Book Help: Anyone W/ Kids Born 08/03, 08/05 or 01/07?

C.M. asks from Dallas

As the youngest child my baby book had almost nothing in it. Even though this has always bugged me, I am doing the same thing with my own children. I have been slac...


Creative Ways to Tell the Grandparents About the New Little Bundle?

L.B. asks from Milwaukee

My husband and I just found out we are 5 weeks along. I am a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding in my hometown this coming weekend and am looking for a fun or creativ...


Trayvon Martin Case

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

This story is everywhere....every news channel, every radio station. So many things going on. Details have been released that support the idea that Martin attacke...


Just Diagnosed with Early Stage Melanoma

C.C. asks from Chicago

I am a 42 yo mom to a 4 yo girl and a 6month old litltle boy and just got this mindnumbing news yesterday. I am told that I will need to come in for a wide local exci...


Microwaving Botttles to Do or Not to Do

M.S. asks from Lafayette

I was just wondering if anyone seen in the news, that microwaving clear bottles releases some chemical that causes neurological damage. My husband and I have Avent b...


Mom's Opinions on Bottles/sippie Cups

K.T. asks from Cleveland

There has been a lot in the news about bottles with the chemical BPA. Do you know what brands of bottles and sippie cups do not contain this chemical? I read 95% of w...


JFF... Kinda.. I'm Done with Facebook!

J.B. asks from Houston

Does Facebook REALLY serve a purpose? I know, I know, no more than this sight, lol. And this just may be me, but it really does nothing for me. Someone always post...

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