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First Custody Weekend-6 Yr Old Acting Out

L.F. asks from Harrisburg

This past weekend was the first weekend since my husband's and my 50/50 custody has started, both of the kids were very restless and acting out. My son would not lis...


Help! Friend Tested Positive for Downs on Amnio

M.C. asks from Dallas

Does anyone have any stories of false positives for Downs on their amniocentesis? My friend who is 18 weeks just received the news that it is 99% positive her baby h...


Any Relief for a Coughing Baby?

A.N. asks from Cleveland

Hi Everyone, My 18-month-old daughter has a cold and coughed all night long last night, so we're all miserable. I used to give her some Tylenol Cough and Cold for ...


Is She Missing Teeth?

R.P. asks from Seattle

My daughter(11.5months) has her top 4 and bottom two. I think she is getting a molar on her bottom left in. Shouldn't her teeth besides her bottom two come in befor...


Would You EVER Let Your Child Do This??

E.L. asks from Atlanta

I was reading the news online yesterday and came across a story about a 16 year old girl who was lost at sea. She was trying to break the world record for being the y...


Lunch Ideas

H.K. asks from San Francisco

Do any of you ladies have any good ideas in making lunches for your toddlers? My daughter is in preschool and I pack her lunch but I am having difficulty in finding n...


Not a Sane Question

A.J. asks from Williamsport

We don't have cable or satellite anymore, just Roku instant streaming from Netflix. My favorite treat in life is watching the news at night before bed from the insta...


JFF - Do In-home Parents Deserve Salary?

C.R. asks from Kansas City

I'm just curious what you think about this! I was reading an article on a local news website and there is a woman from Johannesburg, South Africa that says that stay-...


Out of Money

N.O. asks from Kansas City

hello moms, I would really like some advise from all of you. I was laid off of my job in August and because I was pregnant I could not find a job. So, I have been ...


10 Month Old Grinding Her Teeth

A.T. asks from Bloomington

Hi Moms! I just recently noticed that my 10 month old is grinding her teeth! Is this normal? My other 2 children never did that. She has 4 teeth on top and two on th...

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