toddler memory book

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Results 71-80 from 859 articles

Is a Toddler Being Obsessed with Vaccums Normal?

E.R. asks from Memphis

My three year old developed an obsession with vaccums last year.He has a total of 4 play vaccums at home.He sleeps with one everynight.He watches them on youtube how ...


Unusual Toddler Behavior

A.W. asks from Las Vegas

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I'm at the end of my rope... my 2 yr old daughter no matter what time of day when she poops in her pullups or diaper she plays w...


Toddler Hit Head

K.H. asks from Boise

My 13 month old took a fall this weekend when he slipped on some water. He fell back and was crying for about 5-10 minutes. He then vomited a little but seemed fine...


Weaning 20 Month Toddler

S.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I need practical suggestions for weaning my 20 month old. I have to wean for medical reasons (please no guilt about making it to 2 years because "they say so....


How Do I Prepare My Toddler for His Dad's Deployment?

A.M. asks from Seattle

I'm guessing I'm not the only military mama in this area. My husband is preparing to deploy and this is the first time my son will experience a deployment. I was wond...


Traveling with a Nonstop Toddler for 7 Hours++ Please Help!!

R.V. asks from Philadelphia

Hi girls. I have a loong international trip(7)hours during day time. My charming little girl is 25 months, however she is very high maintenance and difficult to keep ...


Creative Ideas for Pre-schooler and Toddler

S.H. asks from Norfolk

What kinds of activities, esp. around the house are fun, creative, and safe for a very busy, active 3 yr. old boy and 12 month old girl? These are my grandchildren wh...


Night Terrors

T.S. asks from Kansas City

Has anyone experienced this? My two and a half year old just this week will randomly scream out in the middle of the night like something or someone has just hurt hi...


How to Be a Good Aunt for Newborns and Toddlers?

M.A. asks from Milwaukee

My sister-in-law has a newborn and a 2 year old. I am looking for suggestions on how to interact/play with the 2 year old. Also, what are simple things I can do for t...


Wrong Diagnosis, Is That Possible? for a 3 Yo Toddler -Autism Spectrum PDD NOS?

D.J. asks from New York

Okay, moms, here it goes, my daughter was diagnosed to have an autistic spectrum pdd nos in the high functioning end, honestly, no one can detect this, not even us....

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