toddler memory book

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Terrible Two's

K. asks from Las Vegas

My daughter turned two in November. I feel like I went from being a great mom to being a horrible one. My entire day with her is one battle after another. I have re...


What Are Your Opinions on Preschool?

L.L. asks from Las Vegas

My child is 4 knows all her abcs since she was 13 months old and knows her numbers till 20 and more if I repeat, all her shapes including the difficult ones and teach...


Sleep Issues with Newborn

C.F. asks from Portland

I have 2-week-old and a 21-month-old boys. The 2-week-old has just began crying several hours a day. My oldest had issues with colick, so I know that this will not ...


No End in Sight

B.S. asks from Tampa

I have a 7 week old daughter and instead of it getting easier, it's getting harder. I'm following Babywise as closely as possible, but she won't cooperate. She rarely...


Ungrateful? Forgetful? Reserved? What Is Going on with This Kid?

J.R. asks from San Diego

I read a wonderful book called "Raising Happiness" that discusses ways that you can foster joy in your child. One of the recommendations is that we talk about "three...


Looking for Good Photog in Arl Hts Area and Service to Place Photos in Scrapbks

D.J. asks from Chicago

I am looking for a good photog to take pictures of my toddler. I like the more natural settings vs. 'dress up'. Also, looking for a service that will take all the pi...


4 Year Old Wants to Snuggle to Sleep Every Night

E.B. asks from Duluth

Both of my boys (almost 4 and 7 months) are terrible sleepers--up anywhere from 3-9 times on an average night. This is something we've accepted. We brought our oldest...


4 Year Old and Eating "Battles"

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My 4 year old WAS a very good eater. As a baby and toddler he ate anything we gave him. All meats, veggies, fruits, pasta etc... The last few months he has sworn o...


Should I Be Bothered or Am I Missing Something Here?

A.W. asks from Austin

Should I be bothered that 3 people, including my husband, have hinted around that my toddler might be autistic based on the fact that he is not speaking at the level ...


3 Yr Old with ADHD?

M.J. asks from Houston

My 3 yr old is like no other child you will ever meet. He goes above and beyond your typical hyper toddler. He does things that can hurt himself seriously and he does...

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