My son broke his leg on a bounce house at his 2 yo bday party. He is in a temporary cast until we get to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, but I feel so helpless. He...
My 2 year old grandson can not sleep without his legs moving constantly. He tosses & turns & kicks the entire time he is asleep. Night time is worse than nap time. He...
About 4 weeks ago and last night my almost 2 year old (will be 2 on the 17th of this month) woke up around 11:00 at night crying histerically, moaning, tossing and tu...
I have a 21 month old baby. I am really worried about him as he cries alot. He hasn' started talking yet. In the morning my husband drops him to the daycare as I go t...
My 2year old daughter woke up thursday with a swollen knee and refused to tand or walk. She also had a fever. We took her to the ped. And then were sent for an x-ray...
My almost 2 year old is deathly afraid of the electric hair clippers! We've been trimming his hair since he was a baby, and he has always screamed when the trimmers c...
My son, who will be 3 years old in March, is somewhat tall for his age and a bit on the skinny side. I am having two issues with his size. One problem is the commen...
Help! I need to give my 2 1/2 year old daughter eye drops for conjunctivitis by myself. I've tried bribery and a physical battle and both were just awful. Any suggest...
My 17-month-old son has been suffering from constipation since we started him on solid foods. He won't eat any fruit, so I still have to spoon-feed him prunes every m...
I have always wanted to try a chiropractor because I've been told that my hips are out of line but I'm a little worried. I'm looking for any experiences you a...