My grandson is 4 1/2 years old. He is not potty trained. It is not that he has any sort of developmental delays just that he does not want to do it. My daughter an...
(Sorry this is long, but I wanted to give lots of details)
Hello, we have a beautiful, wonderful 3 and a half month old daughter who doesn't seem to be able to FAL...
Hi there, My 2.8 year old tends to tune out and mostly parallel plays or plays w/ cars and trains at school. He tends to shy away from big crowds (like at a crowded ...
So my baby is one. She is breastfed, and when I work 3 days a week, she has bottles of my pumped breastmilk. She has a suspected food intolerance to milk, so we are n...
Hi all, my partner and I are really at our wits end and need some help. We have a son who is soon to be one. He has never learned to crawl and can only walk when you ...
Since my son started walking and getting into things my husband gets very angry and yells at our son for everything. If he crys he tells him to stop being a baby. If ...
I really need some help. My first child is a 15 month old little boy. He is totally normal in terms of developmental stages, growth, everything. Normal bir...
Okay, so I know babies do lots of puzzling things, and I also know (given our firstborn) that sleeping in long stretches or through the night is a developmental miles...
I am a first time mom of a very active 17 month old boy. Lately, it seems that all he does is whine and wants to be held. I was thinking that maybe it was just a sta...
I know this must be a common theme for moms that have their baby in bed with them, then try moving them to their own crib... my daughter is almost 7 months old and ha...