toddler developmental stages

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Results 61-70 from 518 articles

Looking for Mom's Group in Edmonds, WA

K.J. asks from Seattle

I hear a lot about groups in Kirkland, such as the classes Evergreen Hospital has, but haven't found anything similiar around here. I'm primarily interested in an ins...


15 Month Old Bashes Head into Walls/floors

J.H. asks from Stockton

Is there anyone else that has the same problem, My son gets upset or cranky and falls down on floor and hits head on floor a few times or will find a wall and bash hi...


"Terrible Twos" ; "Terrible Threes"

P.W. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone else hate these labels? I never believed that there was a specific age at which my children were supposed to act up, and as a result, they never acted ...


My 32 Month Old Still Runs Weird.....

A.J. asks from Albany

Just curious at what point we should be concerned about the way my 32 month old son runs. Everyone I mention something to tells me that he's fine don't worry about it...


Language Understanding in 2 Year Old

R.F. asks from New York

Actually, 2 1/2 year old. I curious about what the level of understanding should be at this age. On the ages & stages questionnaire I took he did everything that was ...


My Child Hates Me

M.C. asks from Dallas

My three year old daughter is always telling me she loves daddy more and says very cold hurtful things to me. She does not do this when she is mad about something, it...


10 Month Old Using Utensils

H.P. asks from Fayetteville

I was wondering how many of your 10 month olds are trying to use utensils (forks, spoons) and trying to brush their own teeth. I was just told by developmental specia...


Personal Experiences with Non Crawlers

R.S. asks from Denver

Hi, I would love to hear about kids who skipped past crawling and went straight to walking. It looks like this will be the case for my 11 month old. I researched l...


Do You Have a Recommendation for a Good Book on Discipline?

H.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter is almost 14 months and she's beginning to test us. She has started throwing food from her high chair tray, biting, getting into the trash can, and climb...


21 Month Old Daughter Suddenly Not Sleeping Through the Night

C.D. asks from Seattle

If anyone out there has gone through this and can offer some advice, I would be GREATLY appreciative. My daughter has always been an excellent sleeper. She started sl...

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