three year old height and weight

Related Questions & Answers

Results 51-60 from 1,707 articles

Is My 8Yr Old over Weight?

M.M. asks from Dallas

My daughter weighs 79 lbs and I am concerned she is heading for being an over weight kiddo. I wasn't too worried about it because I know she is going to go through se...


How Do I Get My 10Yr Old to Gain Weight?

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My daughter had her 10yr check up yesterday and the doctor is not happy with her weight. He said that she should weigh at least six pounds more than she does. She gre...


Losing Baby Weight

S.D. asks from Clarksville

Ok, its only been three months since I have had my son, but I am feeling really bad about my weight. Before I got pregnant I weighed about 130 lbs. The heaviest I got...


Baby Gaining Weight Too Fast

A.H. asks from Indianapolis

My daughter is 4 months old. She just had her check-up last week and already weighs over 16lbs! My doctor didn't seem too concerned, stating that she is in the 90th %...


Weight Loss Tips

R.T. asks from Richmond

What are some of the best weight-loss tips out there? Trying to lose 50 pounds. I was on Weight Watchers once then had to stop do to the job I was at. Then tried to g...


Birth Control and Weight Loss

D.M. asks from Clarksville

Hi everyone! I have struggling to lose weight for about a month, but I lost only abot 2,2 lbs so far. I exercize regulary and I eat as healthy as I can with 3 meals a...


Idea's for Baby Weight.

L.S. asks from Grand Rapids

I took my 9 month old daughter to the doctor yesterday and found out she is in the 5th percentile for her weight. She eats all the time and I don't feed on a schedule...


Weight Loss Help

C.R. asks from Houston

I am still carrying around post-pregnancy weight, and I am ready to start my new year's resolution today! I am so tired all the time (no energy), and I just need to ...


Weight Plateau Despite Breastfeeding

K.P. asks from Los Angeles

I had my second child nearly four months ago and quickly lost about 17 pounds after the first 6 weeks or so. I have been stuck at 208 (I'm 5' 10") and despite exclusi...


Weight Problem in SAHM

S.F. asks from Minneapolis

I am a SAHM and for every year I have stayed home I have put on 10 pounds a year slowly but surely. I am frustrated! I can stick to a diet for a month or so but eve...

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Answer Highlights

  • mummy magic weight loss tea in 2 answers "To get rid of this bothering fatty belly, drink mummy magic weight-loss tea."
  • body mass index in 3 answers "... 79 lbs, 56 inches) then she is NOT overweight for her age. Her body mass index ..."
  • health and wellness company in 2 answers "Shaklee is a science and a Global Health and Wellness company that's been around for ..."
  • leslie sansone in 2 answers "I don't know if you've heard of Leslie Sansone (Walk Slim and Walk Away the Pounds ..."
  • grow at different rates in 2 answers "I think kids grow at different rates and as long as their bodies are proportionate ..."