three year old height and weight

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Underweight 4 Year Old

S.B. asks from Albany

I have twins and one is underweight, weighs only 28 lbs at 4 years old when the other one weighs 33 lbs. The doctor is not really worried about the one that weighs 33...


Unmotivated 13 Year Old Son

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

My just turned 13 year old son is 6 ft. tall, 240 lbs, very strong and very smart. His school is a magnet school for 4th through 12th grade. He is in the 7th grade. H...


4 Year Old Daughter Not Eating Enough

A.J. asks from Medford

Our daughter doesn't seem to eat much in the evenings and we've stopped trying to push her to eat because it seems to become a control issue with her. She does enjoy...


What Does Your 3 or 4 Year Old Eat for Breakfast?

L.P. asks from Louisville

My older daughter claims she is hungry 5 minutes after she's done eating. She asks for food all day long. I have spoken both to her pediatrician and an RD who both sa...


2 Month Not Gaining Enough Weight

J.P. asks from Dallas

I brought my 2 month old daughter for her 2 month check up and she didn't gain as much as she should have. In the last month she gained 26 ounces instead of 32 ounce...


Getting My 3 Year Old to Eat!

K.K. asks from Minneapolis

I have an underweight little 3 year old and he is not intersted in eating! His pediatrician recommended Pediasure, but he doesnt like it!


Feeding Schedule for 1 Year Old

S.M. asks from New York

I need your help... My son will be 1 in two weeks. My husband thinks he is overfed (because he has a little belly). I say he is not. He weighs about 25 pounds but ...


Weight Loss Between 9 and 12 Month Checkups

A.C. asks from New York

Has anyone's child lost a few ounces between his or her 9 month and 12 month checkups? My son lost about 7 ounces, which I attributed to his increase in activity (cra...


6 Year Old Son Not Growing

C.S. asks from New York

Hi Mom - My son is 6, almost 7, years old. I'm concerned with his growth. He was born at 9 lbs, and as an infant was in the 90th+ percentile for height and weight. As...


What Is the Best Convertible Carseat for a 1 Year Old?

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking at the Britax carseats and wondered if they are the best? I am confused because some of them run in the $300 and some in the $100. I am looking for a ca...

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