three year old height and weight

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Stress over Baby's Slow Weight Gain, Milk Supply Issues

A.J. asks from Seattle

Hello everyone... need some perspective. Have I overreacted? Has anyone experienced anything similar? What would you recommend that we do to help improve the situatio...


Three Questions: Doctors, Chatrooms and Toddler Who Won't Eat.

E.H. asks from Phoenix

Please only attachment-parenting-friendly moms or dads respond! I have three questions: First: Does anyone know of a really pro-attachment-parenting pediatrician in...


Body Image in the Way of Weight Loss/better Self-care?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi mamas, I'm 45, 5'5" tall and 161 lbs. I'm not thrilled with that. I put most of it on when I was pregnant 6.5 years ago, but a little more added on in the last...


Newborn Gaining Too Much Weight at 2 Wk Exam?

S.J. asks from Dallas

My baby weighed 7.6 at birth and at her 2 week exam today she weighed 8.12. I could have sworn I saw 8.1 on the scale but the nurse says it was 8.12. In any event, th...


26 Yr Old Low Income Mama of 1 Struggling with Weight

L.L. asks from Tucson

I am tired of feeling this way. I have always been heavy, chubby, and fat, whatever you want to call it. The lowest size I can ever remember being is a 10. Before m...


My 11 Week Old Hasnt Gained Weight for 3 Weeks! Need Advice Please

P.R. asks from Los Angeles

Ok so i have the most beautiful baby girl and have been breastfeeding from day one. I decided to give her a bottle every night so my partner can be involved and so i ...


My 11 Month Old Daughter It in the 5Th Percentile for Weight I Need Help!

L.M. asks from Albany

My daughter is turning 11 months on the 5th of this month. She is 15.14 and 26 inches she is petite but healthy. I cant seam to get away from the doctors she ither ha...


Calorie Rich Food for a 2 Year Old

S.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 year old daughter looks so skinny to me since she is growing in height, but not weight. The doctor said to give her calorie rich food, but make sure it is healt...


Any Advice for a Busy Mom Trying to Loose a Lot of Weight, for Health Reasons

Q.M. asks from Philadelphia

I've been to my doctor cause I have a pinched nerve in my back and its causing pain in other areas of my body. They can't do anything about it or give medication due...


Can Anyone Suggest a Great High Chair That Has a Weight Limit of at Least 45Lbs?

H.H. asks from Charlotte

I have a 10 month old who weighs 26 lbs already and is about 32 inches tall. I am having a hard time finding a high chair (I would like one that rolls) that has a hi...

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