three year old height and weight

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Results 101-110 from 1,707 articles

Weight and Body Issues

P.1. asks from San Francisco

So, last July, I posted a question about some quick weight loss before going on a trip that involved swimsuits. I got lots of great advice and ended up doing a low c...


Need Help...6 Year Old Needs to Gain Weight....

C.D. asks from Fort Myers

Hi all! I'm new on here and am looking for friendly Mom advise. I recently took my 6 year old son to his well child check up. He lost a pound since his 5 year visit....


How to Gain Weight on Failure to Thrive

B.R. asks from Hartford

Hi, moms. My DD is 11 months old and weighs 14lbs. 10ounces. We have seen GI and they have found nothing abnormal. We also see a feeding team who gives us some adv...


Help 9 Month Old Gain Weight

J.C. asks from Denver

My 9-month old son is a little underweight for his length (25% for length and 8% for weight), and the doctor suggested adding some high-fat foods to his diet such as ...


15 Month Old at 9Th Percentile in Weight... So Worried...

L.F. asks from Chicago

I need advice from anyone who can help. I am concerned for my 15 month old son who is having trouble gaining weight. Yesterday,his doctor said that he is in the 9th ...


14 Month Old Is .17 Percentile for Weight

A.D. asks from Grand Junction

My 14 month old just got back from the dr.'s office and we were told he is in the .17 percentile for weight. He weighs 17.1 pounds. He was 5.5 pounds at birth, and ...


Weight Issues

B.W. asks from Atlanta

my daughter is 9 mo old. when she was born she weighed 7lb 7 oz. she now weighs 15 lb 4 oz. she has dropped from the 50 % at birth to below the 5%. i feed her 3 solid...


Help !!!! 3 Yr Old Isn't Gaining Weight...

J.G. asks from Cleveland

I have a little girl that has been diagnosed with Asthma, an allergy to tree pollen (although the doctor said she most likely has more allergies – she is a bit youn...


I Think My 3 Year Old Is over Weight

E.G. asks from Boston

Ok so my daughter just turned 3 years old in May and she weights about 51 pounds and she is 41 inches. She loves to eat and I dont know that to do. My daughter goes t...


My Son Doesn't Seem to Be Gaining Enough Weight :(

R.A. asks from Provo

I am really scared and just don't know what to do. My 6 year old son just does not seem to be gaining enough weight. Every time he goes in for a checkup his weight pe...

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