the meaning of the name maria

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Helping Children Deal with Death

L.T. asks from Dallas

My friends mom past away les than a year ago after battling cancer. Her 7 year old son as very attached to his MeMe. She is loking for ways to help him deal with hi...


Tear-jerker Songs

L.G. asks from Austin

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What Chores Do Your Children Do?

D.M. asks from Detroit

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Anyone Thinking, Worrying, Planning for 2012, Doomsday, End of Days?

D.B. asks from Los Angeles

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How Can I Get My Husband to Help!

M.E. asks from Boca Raton

I want my husband to help more around the house but all I get is a defensive attitude. I don't have my family here to help out and we cant afford any outside help. I ...


My 8 Yr Old Is Always Nauseated

E.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I have an eight year old daughter who frequently complains that she feels like she's going to throw up. She never does though, and I can't figure out what is going o...


Seeking Advice on Explaining a Pet Death

A.W. asks from Philadelphia

We just found out that our lovable lab has terminal cancer and is in a lot of pain. We are probably going to have her put down this week to end her suffering. My hus...


Speech Question

A.S. asks from Albany

My daughter has been receiving speech for about a year now. As we have made much progress and I am so proud of her. We still have a long way to go. We are almost 3 a...


Getting Organized to Homeschool

C.J. asks from Youngstown

I have asked about homeschooling in the past, I looked into the O.V.A and I am satisfied with the curriculum.. Heres my question.. For those of you who homeschool, an...


Nap or No Nap??

A.K. asks from Tulsa

I'm wondering at what age other moms have stopped making their kids take naps. I've always had a pretty strict nap schedule. As soon as lunch is over, the kids take...

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