the best baby books

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Results 91-100 from 22,339 articles

Need Recommendation on Books for parenting/Discipling Toddlers

R.C. asks from New York

Hi, My son is almost 18 months old and beginning to have tantrums. Can anyone recommend any good books on how to deal/parent at this stage....


Good Books for 4 - 5 Year Olds

L.C. asks from Allentown

We have dozens, perhaps hundreds of books. But some of them will have to be retired as too babyish soon. What are your 4 year old's favorite books? Mine loves any Wi...


Which Name Do You like Best for My Baby?

J.D. asks from Phoenix

I am not interested in any other names besides these 4. We are just having a tough time deciding which one is best. They all go with the middle and last name well. If...


Where Do I Come from Books

J.S. asks from Champaign

Hi Mamas. I looked through the archives but had trouble finding what I needed so I'll ask here. I need a book for 3-4 year olds that explains where babies come from....


Pregnancy Books

R.E. asks from Washington DC

Hi, I just found out I'm pregnant with my first child! I'm looking for a good pregnancy book. Can anyone make a recommendation? Or a good website?


3 Year Old Ripping Books

T.V. asks from Baton Rouge

My 3 yr.old daughter LOVES LOVES books and has since birth. After her bedtime routine (that includes reading etc..)we let her "read" books for a little while. Every n...


What Are Some Good Books?

A.P. asks from Provo

I am 32 having my first child in May. I have decided to have an epidural and I would like to breast feed. Does anyone have any suggestions on reading material to know...


Best Baby Shower Gifts and Ideas for Games

C.B. asks from Madison

I have a two-part question as my mom and best friend have started to plan my baby shower. First, what were the best and worst gifts you received at your baby shower, ...


Chapter Books for a 4 Year Old

K.U. asks from Detroit

My daughter is 4 and while she is not reading independently yet, she loves being read to. Reading to her is part of our nightly bedtime routine (and naps too, when t...


So Confused About What Is Best

A.G. asks from Boca Raton

My son is in kindergarten this year. He is a very unique little guy. He was originally diagnosed with ADHD when he was very young. We started medication about a ye...

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