talking dictionary

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Results 61-70 from 252 articles

Teaching Kids a Foreign Language; We Have No Rich Conversations Now

J.O. asks from Detroit

Most seemed to think paying $176/month for 85 minutes of language school a week (100% immersion) was too much, especially given I'm fluent. But I disagree, now. :) ...


Nder3 Childenu

A.K. asks from Pueblo

So I know people have kids by diff fathers all the time, but what do u ladies think of a woman having 3 kids, when the 1st and last are by the same man and the middle...


Helping 4 Yr. Old with Spelling

M.R. asks from Denver

My oldest son is 4 and is starting to write/spell words on his own. He writes them as they sound which, to me, is amazing in itself for a 4 year old. My question is t...


This Must Be My Week for Weird

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

SO I am chatting with a friend yesterday and she asks about my daughters. I comment that my younger one is starting to fill out and I suspect puberty is right around...


"What Is a Lover?"

D.P. asks from Detroit

That was tonight's question from my 9 year old. I may have just missed the segue to a sex talk. My cap out answer was "Oh they're like husband and wife or boyfriend a...


Baby Sign Language?

C.G. asks from Albuquerque

I was wondering if anyone had some information on baby sign language. I understand it is a good way for children to learn to communicate and express themselves before...


Spelling Issues in 3Rd Grader

H.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son is in third grade. He is is good bright student. Above average in reading and math. No learning disabilities, though he does receive speech therapy for 2,sound...


Baby Sign

C.B. asks from Spokane

Does anyone have any tips on how to get started signing with my 14 month old daughter? I think it would be a fun way to communicate and accelerate understanding betw...


Sign Language Books or Books on How to Communicate Better with My 1 Year Old??

S.B. asks from Springfield

Hello Ladies I have a 1 year old who is learning how to talk with his mouth and he says some words like no, up, num num for food or what, or woof woof for dog every...


How Do You Stop the Screaming?

S.B. asks from Houston

Please help me my little girl will be 2 in Nov she is physically behind cause of her heart but she is not dumb at all she don't talk yet and she don't walk which make...

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