I'm starting my second semester at community college for a nursing program. Lately I've been thinking and I don't want to actually be a nurse. In the long run I'm jus...
Ok Momma's so I have written about this before but I guess I'm having a down day.
I have a great husband that is also a great Daddy to our two boys, he treats me ...
I work with someone that started out as a person I volunteered for, then she started teaching my kids piano/then tutoring them in math and now I work with her. Unfort...
I used to be one of those "supermoms" and was a "supernurse" at my job. I finished my masters degree and was on this path to a career. At the height of my career and ...
I just saw that there is talk about taking PE Classes out of school. With children in our society having such a high obesity rate, taking GYM out of our school syste...
Can you share some of the ways you effectively teach your child/ren patience, self control, perseverance, how to handle disappointment, fear and control anger. Runni...
Does any one know what's going on? I have gained weight, wierd weight, in weird places. Sweats etc. I thought I was dying I had a bunch of tests done, all came bac...
My husband and I have been trying for another baby for about 9 months now. We found out I was pregnant at the end of May and then I lost the baby on June 5th when I w...